Understanding Case Sensitivity in JavaScript

2 min readAug 10, 2023

JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming language that powers much of the interactivity on the web. It’s essential for developers to understand various aspects of the language to write effective and bug-free code. One critical concept in JavaScript, and in many programming languages, is “case sensitivity.”

What is Case Sensitivity?

Case sensitivity refers to the distinction made between uppercase and lowercase letters in programming. In case-sensitive languages, such as JavaScript, uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as different characters. This distinction impacts variable names, function names, keywords, and other identifiers used in the code.

Variables and Identifiers

In JavaScript, variable names and other identifiers are case-sensitive. This means that “myVariable” and “myvariable” are considered as two distinct identifiers, and they can refer to different things in your code. Let’s look at an example:

var firstName = "John";
var firstname = "Doe";

console.log(firstName); // Output: John
console.log(firstname); // Output: Doe

In the above example, we have two variables, “firstName” and “firstname.” Since JavaScript is case-sensitive, these are treated as separate variables.

