Techsylvania brings deep tech to Eastern Europe: meet Codiax

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5 min readSep 8, 2017


Techsylvania is well-known for celebrating innovation through its events, where gathering many tech enthusiasts and creative minds in the same place is the norm. It began in 2014 and has now celebrated its 4th edition this year, with more than 1500 participants this year alone.

After building up Techsylvania for the past four years and still going strong, we wanted to focus even more on one of the three pillars that have set the direction for our vision: code, product, funding. This is an occasion to expose more of the possibilities that technology and, implicitly, the code can provide to enhance the present — the pursuit to connect billions of people around the world, find a better use for our resources and enhance our long-term vision on living are just some of the aspects where technology can contribute in an impactful way.

Launching Codiax is a natural step towards growth.

On a global scale, more and more of us wonder how can we put technology at its best use:

“The convergence of the physical , digital and biological worlds that is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution offers significant opportunities for the world to achieve huge gains in resource use and efficiency.” (Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, The Fourth Industrial Revolution)

Think about mobile supercomputing, intelligent robots, self-driving cars, neuro-technological brain enhancements, genetic editing and other innovations of this kind. All these changes are not visible only in the future; we are living them and they are taking the shape of the revolution that Klaus Schwab is talking about. This series of new technologies that is fusing our world has a huge impact on all disciplines, economies and industries, even drawing down ideas about what it means to be human.

Anticipating new developments can be challenging, but one aspect that is visible worldwide is the continual rise of the tech industry. A whole new level of value and opportunities emerge in all fields due to this industry. Romania is experiencing it also, as a 79% boost is forecast in the software and IT services exports field until 2020.

Deep technology relates user and context in an ecological, symbiotic way, helping us get closer to the world and expand our human insight. With continuously increasing computing power, digital presence and a forthcoming environment where many functions will be replaced by AI, we all need a better understanding of the potential and use of these technological advances. The future is coming anyway, so we must meet it properly prepared.

About our event

We have created Codiax with the intention of enabling a coordinated transfer of deep technology know-how from worldwide leaders to software engineers and developers in a three-day event. We bring the best content and showcases of real-life applications to help professionals and enthusiasts understand and improve their skillset in deep technology topics. To make sure this happens in a closely-knit environment, we have limited the participation to 250 attendees.

Part I: Cluj, November 16–17th

Our meeting will kick-off with a series of technical workshops addressed to software engineers and developers. Closely following, speakers from various industries profoundly impacted by deep technology will share their experiences on stage.

Part II: Sibiu, November 18th

We found the need for a satellite event in Sibiu, in a community that is in a continuous development, supporting the tech ecosystem in Transylvania. With the support of our partners at Continental Romania, 100 professionals will receive access to high-quality, deep tech content.

During these three days we will focus on exploring five generous topics: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things and Frontier Hardware. As already accustomed, the possibility to connect and share ideas, while gathering valuable information from some of the most relevant brains in this branch is included.

First speakers

Dr. Alexey Ershov Vice President, Platform & Solutions, Watson Internet of Things at IBM Corporation

Dr. Alexey Ershov

Dr. Alexey Ershov is the Vice President at IBM Watson Internet of Things unit and is based in Munich. He is leading global IoT platform and industry solutions sales team. Prior to his current role, he was the Vice President, Smarter Cities Europe at IBM. Since joining IBM in 2004, Alexey has been based in Munich, Madrid, Shanghai, Moscow, and New York. Prior to joining IBM, Alexey was a management consultant at McKinsey & Company and a research scientist at Harvard University. Alexey received a Bachelor’s degree from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1996 and a Ph.D. degree in Elementary Particle Physics from Harvard University in 2001.

Vlad Lata, Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder at KONUX

Vlad Lata

Vlad Lata is the CTO and Co-Founder of KONUX, a Munich-based sensor and analytics company, combining the best of German engineering quality with Silicon Valley speed and innovation. Before his role at KONUX, he worked at BMW, AUDI, ARRI, European Patent Office and Silver Atena. Vlad has a BA and MA in Science at Technische Universität München. The doer in him follows this motto: “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do”.

Vision is nothing without the support of the community. Continental Romania joined Codiax to help us bring deep tech in the spotlight:

‘’We wanted to start this initiative with a partner that sees the importance of deep technology and its role in the evolution of the local tech ecosystem. As Continental is an active player in this field (using AI, Robotics and other technologies), and a strong community supporter, we couldn’t be any happier to embark on this journey together”, says Vlad Ciurca, Techsylvania & Codiax Co-founder & Executive Producer.

What next?

For early-bird tickets starting only 69€, head to:

Get involved! Event updates can be found on our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



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