Using Multiple Third Person Cameras For Multiple Animation States

Maurice Davis
5 min readOct 27, 2023

Let’s download and install the free third-person character controller from the assets store to get started.

Once installed, create a plane for our character to stand on and expand it. The folder contains the player armature and the “player follow camera.” Bring them both into your scene.

Your scene should look similar to this.

We want to set the “look at” and “follow” to the character and set the body to 3rd person.

After that, adjust your shoulder offset to the position you prefer. You can use what I have below if you’re not sure.

Now, let’s bring in a state camera to hold the multiple cameras we will make.

Now, let’s drag all player-follow cameras into the new state camera and delete the one that came with it. After that, we want to add two more virtual cameras, one for the run animation and another for the aim animation.

Set the run camera to “follow” the character and the body of 3rd person and adjust the position. Also, add some basic noise to this camera so that when the character runs, the camera shakes a little.

Next, add the recomposer in the extension and zoom in a bit. Also, here are the adjustments I made, if needed, for the noise.

Do the same process for the aim camera.

We need to add a blend list camera for our death state animation. We will need two cameras, one for the start of the animation, which will be close, and one for the end, which will be far away.

These are the angles that I used for cameras one and two.

Within the blend list camera setting, set the hold time to zero and the ease-in out to 4 sec.

We are now done with adding cameras. Now, we can work on the states for the overall camera folder.

First, set the animated target by dragging the character in, creating a new state, and setting it to default, and the camera to the player follow camera.

Create another new state, set it to run, and set that to the run camera. Do the same for the others.

Create the death animation state and transition it from any state. Then, transition the aim animation state from the idle walk run blend animation.

Now, you’ll have all the state you need for your cameras.

Turn off the exit times on the transition between these two new animations and add a trigger parameter for the death animation and a bool for the aim.

After setting your parameters, your animations should activate the different cameras by manually clicking them.

If this were a real-world scenario, we would want to control this without manual control, so we will add a script and set the control. Death to the letter “k” and the aim to “mouse 1".

Add the script to the character, set the animator within the script, and add some input commands into the update function.

Now, you can control the character.

