Asking Microsoft’s AI The Hard Questions

Solomon Richards
3 min readJun 5, 2023


When it comes to web browsers, I have always been a Chrome guy. I used Opera GX for a little while. Chrome is my default browser. But it is time for me to switch to Microsoft Edge completely.

Microsoft Edge has been exceptional over the past few months. It seems they have cleaned up my issues with the browser. The reason I have been using Edge is because of its built-in chatbot. Allow me to introduce you to Bing AI.

Chat With Bing

I love this thing. It makes everything soo easy. No opening up a new tab. Just peek searching. It all starts with the Bing icon in the top right.

Once you click on that, you get three options for how you want Bing to converse with you. Creative, Balanced, and Precise. I always use precise, but after some testing, I think Balanced is the way to go. I asked Bing who the NBA GOAT was to see how different each conversation style was.



The Creative style mentioned the most candidates of all the responses. There were a total of six players brought up as potential GOAT candidates. Bing left it up in the air. There was no definitive answer. And that is why I would not use the creative style.



The Balanced Style gave me a longer and more definite answer. It still mentioned six candidates. It was the same six except Shaq. Bill Russell replaced him. It is safe to assume Bing thinks MJ is the GOAT. They closed with that answer instead of the ‘It is up to you’ cheese.



Precise was soo strange. It was by far the shortest and gave the fewest candidates at five. And it didn’t provide me with any conclusive or concrete evidence. The other two answers gave me criteria and a means by which I should choose my answer.

Bing now finally has a leg up on Chrome. Searching has become simplified. No more searching for quality sources. No more scrolling down a webpage of crowded results.

Doesn’t matter. Chrome for life.



Solomon Richards

I write articles about Godot, some coding, tutorials, and guides.