Coding Zen
4 min readMay 23, 2022


Artificial Intelligence is one such technology that has been growing and spreading rapidly. As AI is here, within our reach now we can use it in different domains like education.

There are many predictions made by movie makers, authors, writers, futurists and tech enthusiasts that how AI will bring in multiple changes in different industries. Just like the 2 sides of a coin, some predictions have positive whereas some have a negative impact. It is quite interesting to know how AI is already a part of various industries that we use daily.

AI has not been a part of the education sector till now and it has impacted it as a whole. It will take the teaching and learning process to another level. Let’s reflect upon some of how it will impact the education system:

  1. Impact on the basic educational activities.

There are some basic educational activities like grading the tests, exams and homework which turns out to be tiring but are essential. Grading the tests can be time-consuming work that can be productively spent on professional development, interacting with students etc.

Artificial Intelligence is one step solution as grading the test with fill in the blacks and MCQ can be easily automated. It may seem difficult to grade essays with AI but the upcoming improvement will be done in this area. In this way, a lot of time can be saved by the teachers and can be used to focus more on in-the-class activities.

2. Education software for kids

Artificial Intelligence will provide an individualized or personalized experience of learning for different grades of students. In this way, their learning process will not stay limited to their classrooms.

There are so many games, software and programs with an adaptive quality that is making AI a reality. The software could cater to the individual needs of each student/kid and would pay more emphasis on the areas where they are lacking. This provides them with the necessary help and an opportunity to learn everything at their respective pace.

3. AI Tutor

A teacher can teach in a much better way than a machine but with the ongoing progress in this field one day, there would be AI tutor teaching in the future. We have AI programs already that help the kids learn writing, mathematics and some basic subjects that they have. We can expect that shortly AI will be teaching our kids complex subjects as well.

4. Interaction with Information

Artificial Intelligence alters our interaction with the information and findings in different spheres. Like, we can see how Amazon alters our search results with our past purchases and even Google does it by suggesting activities or restaurants close to our location. This alteration of information can be done in the educational system as well.

With the improvement in this technology, we can eagerly look forward to a change in our interaction with the information. So, the future generation will experience a different interaction with the information while carrying out their research or checking facts.

5. Change in the role of teachers and tutors

Teachers are an integral part of the education system but with the advent of Artificial Intelligence and technology, there might be a change in the traditional role of the teachers. AI can be useful not only for grading students but can be used in multiple tasks.

AI would provide students with expertise and allow them to ask various questions and gather information. A teacher would take up the role of a facilitator, helping students with AI and supplementing AI lessons. Teachers would be there to provide some hands-on attention and human interactions.

6. Subject Tutors, Skills and Learning Location might change

AI provides the benefit of learning anywhere and anytime at your own respective pace. All these programs would take up the place of traditional classrooms that we are all accustomed to. Gradually AI would replace the teachers. AI currently provides a wide range of basic courses but with the growth in this field, it would improve and provide us with a wider range of subjects for the students to learn and grasp more.

7. Feedback for students and educators by AI

AI not only forms courses for students and teachers but also provide feedback to know their success. Many schools that provide multiple online courses, even monitor their progress using AI systems. It provides the teachers with the information where their student is lacking and needs more attention.

This enables the teachers to know a student’s weaknesses and would work towards improving them.

8. AI improves student finding, teachings and support for school

There would be a change in the interaction between students and colleges with the AI-powered system. Alterations can be made in the areas where AI would provide an opportunity to the students to choose their subjects. Their experiences are also tailored to meet their needs and goals.

Some schools have already made this transition to AI for students to adapt to this change.


AI could take decades to change the major aspects of education but when the change takes place, it will affect even the tiniest things that we take for granted. There is no doubt that the education pattern in the coming decades will take a 360-degree turn and it will be different from what we are studying today and the students will experience something new.

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