Migrate HipChat Emoticons to SlackIf you’re still using HipChat, you probably know that support is ending this week, February 15th.Feb 11, 2019Feb 11, 2019
Published incodymainesAdvanced Rubber Duck DebuggingI’m about to teach you how to take Rubber Duck Debugging to the next level. But before I can do that, let’s review classic Rubber Duck…Mar 4, 2018Mar 4, 2018
Published incodymainesPlatform Developer 2 Multiple ChoiceToday I passed the multiple choice portion of the Salesforce Platform Developer II Certification! This is especially exciting because I…Feb 19, 20181Feb 19, 20181
Published incodymainesDebug Level: NoneSalesforce debug logs can be both a great tool, and a giant headache at the same time. On one hand, you can learn quite a bit about how the…Feb 11, 2018Feb 11, 2018
Published incodymaines1 Million Query RowsResource limits are one of the most common errors Salesforce developers come across. That’s the multi-tenant life, and we take the pros…Feb 10, 2018Feb 10, 2018
Published incodymainesApex unit tests @Istest(IsParallel=true)… sometimes.By default the unit tests on the Salesforce platform will execute in serial. This can be very slow… and nobody likes a slow feedback loop…Feb 8, 2018Feb 8, 2018
Published incodymainesTroubleshooting the Trailhead ValidatorAnyone who’s done an interactive Salesforce Trailhead module knows that the validation can be… vague. A few weeks ago, I discovered the…Feb 8, 20181Feb 8, 20181
Published incodymainesThe Design of Everyday WritingHave you ever wrote a reply, revised it, tried to shorten it, and then hit send? Did you re-read it later to realize your sentences didn’t…Feb 8, 2018Feb 8, 2018
Published incodymainesPlatform Developer 2 SuperbadgesToday I finished the final Superbadge prerequisite…Feb 6, 20181Feb 6, 20181
Published incodymainesSalesforce Trailhead is 👌It’s not often you come across a platform as complex as Salesforce without a bit of a learning curve. The interface is overwhelming. The…Feb 6, 2018Feb 6, 2018