You’re Worthless! But that’s good!

Cody A. Chipman
3 min readAug 3, 2016


You are absolutely worthless to the world. Your mother could have aborted you with a coat hanger before your conscious mind conceived of its existence. You could have drowned the first time you swam at six years old. You could have died in a car accident driving at 16. Tomorrow, you might be struck by lightening.

And guess what? The world would be the exact same. I don’t know you, this post isn’t even directed towards you. I would be writing this, regardless of your existence. You mean almost nothing to everyone, especially me, except to the very few people who you keep close. Even then, those people’s lives would still carry on. They would have the same job, same house, and same friends whether you’re dead or alive. Do you feel small yet?

Don’t take it personally, because that fact is true for everyone. However, it can be very liberating and empowering when you recognize it. You have almost no control whatsoever over the outside world, but you do have complete control over yourself. So take control of your life!

People like you are always worried about what will happen if they do X. You’re basically Marty McFly, too scared to send in his mixtape to a record company because you “can’t handle that kind of rejection.” Who gives a shit? They don’t. Your mom doesn’t. Neither does your wife. Why should you?

George McFly was also a loser

His dad was a slacker too.

Rejection from anything hurts your pride, but you don’t have to let a failure defined you. If we all allowed rejection define our lives, I would have never recovered from when I was rejected by the popular girl to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance when I was 17 (I ended up going with my mom).

One thing that you have to understand about your worthlessness is that it also gives you control. Even if your life means absolutely nothing to the world, it is absolutely everything to you. You existence, lifestyle, and happiness are all intrinsically linked to your actions, and how you view the results. Your life and your happiness should be your number one focus because it is the only thing you can actually determine.

If you hate your job, quit it. If you hate your wife, divorce her. There are probably smarter ways to do those things and dumber ways, but in the end as I pointed out already, you could be dead and it wouldn’t really mess that many things up. So don’t worry so much about the consequences of X action. Just take action, because if you hate your life and do nothing to change it, you will always hate it. And Donald Trump would probably call you a loser. I probably would too. So be a winner.

Images were taken from Nihilist Memes and this guy’s Tumblr.

Originally published at Cody A. Chipman.

