3 Benefits: Becoming a Fyt Coach

3 min readFeb 18, 2016


On-demand services are the latest hit. With the ability to access a large work force of independent contractors, services can be provided on a bigger scale and more people can go to work!

Unlike having a car to ride in or a grocery list to shop for, a Fyt Coach will provide a motivating figure in your life to assist you in being the best you!

A Fyt Coach is more than just a personal trainer. Sticking to a routine and making a change takes a lot, sometimes more than we can manage. With the get up and go personality of your coach, deciding to drive to the gym or not is no longer an option! Every day remember why you started!

1. Workout Planning

Whether you are an experienced personal trainer or someone who recently became certified, learning and implementing a fun workout plan into a routine is something we all imagine one day in our careers.

Working with Fyt Flow gives you the opportunity to be creative! After meeting clients, you can put together a plan that will help them achieve their goals. Through countless meetings between coach and client, you can look back and say, “I have bettered someones life through my own program!” There’s no better feeling.

2. Create your own schedule

I was at the gym earlier this week and saw an employee run to his car, he was rushing because his lunch break expired in twenty minutes. The amount of time you put in to working for corporate gyms never adds up to your paycheck every Friday. Take a deep breathe cause there are better options…

Fyt Flow offers a flexible schedule for their coach’s. Each week a schedule will be available and you can select the days and times you are available, busy or not sure about. Perhaps you want to pick up a couple sessions each week, that’s okay. Maybe Fyt Flow is your main job, even better! We offer a flexible schedule and a fun career!

3. Earning Potential

Working with Fyt Flow gives personal trainers the opportunity to essentially earn what they put in. We believe that if you put in the work to help a client workout while changing their life in the process, you should be rewarded.

A Fyt Coach is paid based on hourly sessions. Think about it, at corporate gyms you may be compensated hourly with low wages. Work the hours you want, making the money you desire!

There is no better feeling than getting paid for what you love to do. As a Fyt Coach you have the ability to benefit a strangers life, building a long lasting relationship at the same time. As people talk, like they tend to do, your name will be passed around to friends, neighbors and family! Start your business with us!

Fyt Flow will be coming to Boston!

Facebook: fytflow

Twitter: @fytflow

IG: @fyt.flow





Young man with a lot to say through writing. Hobbies include; golf, fitness, technology and overall learning.