The Best Ways to Exercise While Traveling

4 min readOct 20, 2022


Photo by Pixabay

When you’re traveling, it can be difficult to find time for your regular exercise routine. Luckily, there are many different ways you can stay active while also seeing the sights and exploring new places. The best part is that all of these activities are easy to do anywhere and don’t require any special equipment or training.

We all know how important exercise is, but it’s even more crucial when you’re traveling. Aside from packing light clothing, bringing comfortable shoes and fitting in as many sightseeing activities as possible on your trip itinerary, also plan to squeeze in some time for working out. Being on vacation means you need to be more intentional about finding opportunities for exercise. It doesn’t have to be a chore!

Here are the best ways to keep moving while traveling that will help improve your mental state, give you more energy throughout the day, and leave you feeling healthier overall.

Walking Tours

Most cities, particularly the ones most popular with tourists, have walking tours available. These guided tours are the perfect way to explore a new place while getting some exercise. They’re also really affordable and great for people on a budget. Depending on the length of the tour, you can get in anywhere from two to five miles during one tour. You can choose to walk as slowly or quickly as you want, so you’re in total control of how active your walking tour is.

Most walking tours are between two and four hours long. If you’re on the shorter end of that spectrum, you can walk at a leisurely pace, while those who go on longer tours can walk at a slightly faster pace.

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If you’re visiting a place that’s known for having great hiking trails, like Rocky Mountain National Park or Yosemite National Park, hiking is a great way to get some exercise while exploring the area. Hiking will burn more calories than a walking tour would and is a great way to get some fresh air and get further away from tourist areas and noise.

If you’re visiting somewhere that’s not known for having great hiking trails, there are many websites and apps that can help you find nearby trails. Often, you’ll need to pay a small fee to enter national parks, so keep that in mind when planning your hiking trip.

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Stretching and yoga

Stretching exercises are easy to do anywhere and don’t require any special equipment. No matter where you are, you can fit in a few minutes of stretching. It’s great for warming up your muscles before getting more intense with your workout.

You can also combine stretching exercises with yoga poses. Yoga is a perfect way to unwind and relax after a long day of sightseeing. You can do yoga poses anywhere, like on your hotel bed or on the beach. While yoga is great for stretching and relaxing, it’s less intense than strength training.

If you want to get more exercise while traveling, combining stretching and yoga poses with a little strength training can be a good way to get your heart pumping and build muscle.


Swimming laps in a pool is a great cardio workout. It burns a ton of calories and is low-impact, which makes it great for people of all ages and abilities. If you’re visiting a place with warm water, like Florida or the Caribbean, renting a hotel room with a pool (especially during the off-season) is a great way to get in a workout without having to leave the hotel. If you’re visiting a colder place, you can find indoor public pools in many cities and towns.

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Jumping rope

If you’re visiting a place that offers accommodations that allow you to bring a small piece of exercise equipment, like a hotel or hostel that allows guests to use a fitness room, you can easily fit in a jump rope workout. You can also just jump rope outdoors.

It’s easy to jump rope and doesn’t require any special skills, so anyone can do it. Jumping rope is a great way to get your heart pumping and burn a ton of calories while traveling. You can even do it while watching TV in your hostel.

Bottom line

Exercising while traveling is a great way to stay healthy, fit and energized. Whether you’re on a road trip, exploring another country by foot or simply trying to stay fit while in transit, you can apply these tips to stay fit. However, it’s important to remember that being on the go and traveling often means you’re also burning more calories, so you’ll need to be more intentional about getting in your recommended daily amount of exercise.

If you want to get the most out of your workouts while traveling, plan to do more cardio and less weight training. This way, you’ll have the extra energy you need to explore new places and won’t feel as exhausted as you might if you were lifting heavy weights.

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