Running a Triangle Offense for Agents šŸ€

Secure Agent Mentor
3 min readMar 29, 2018


By Secure Agent Mentor

With ā€˜March Madnessā€™ in full swing and the Final Four this weekend, including championship Monday, we all clearly have basketball on the mind. The Triangle offense is pretty much the undisputed, single most dominant offensive attack (in any major sport) of the past 20 + years or so. Head coach Phil Jackson, with help from assistant coach Tex Winter, won 11 NBA Finals with the triangle offense. In the insurance sales game, having your own triangle offense for selling insurance will be key to your success as agents in the field and/or at the office.


Iā€™ve heard many agents over the years doubting the need for leads stating that is not the way an insurance agent should a client portfolio. I disagree with this ideal somewhat. While working a warm market and organically creating word-of-mouth is fine, honestly, if you were truly working your market to its fullest potential, you theoretically should have dried it up after a year or so. Leads are for those that feel they have exhausted their warm/hot market or may be new to the State they are licensed to sell in and donā€™t know anyone. To me, if you arenā€™t using every resource possible to get sales, you arenā€™t doing your job as a sales agent properly.


I will point out that leads can sometimes lead to referrals as well. Referrals are the life-blood of an agentā€™s arsenal to selling insurance. The best way to leverage a referral is to pay attention to the details. If your client happens to mention a church, they attend or hobby, use that, later on in the sales pitch to attempt to get some referrals. Ask who/whom they know from a certain organization they happened to mention or the church that they spoke about earlier in the conversation. The avenues to get more referrals are there, you just have to know how to get them. Think about it, if your referral happens to not buy (or does), you might continue to referral mine by getting more referrals from your referral, and so on.


The final step to running a proper triangle offense to increase your sales and reach is marketing. While old-school marketing strategies worked in the past, the use of social media will be imperative to your success moving forward. The internet should be viewed as a friend and not as an evil online entity that older agents should fear. Even if you are not tech savvy on how to market on social media, there are many teachers, articles and online videos (YOUTUBE) that will help you to market better towards the regions and demographics that you are trying to reach as an agent. Using social media marketing will give you ā€œbucketsā€ in terms of sales.

So, if you too want to create your own agent selling dynasty of championship level sales, use these 3 key triangular points and strategies that will lead to victory and success as an agent selling insurance.



Secure Agent Mentor

Secure Agent Mentor offers agents a broad spectrum of products, mentorship, coaching, training, and benefits for agents wanting to leverage their success.