5 Ws for 5Vs

Cody Voellinger
3 min readJan 14, 2020


Hello family and friends, we are kicking off 2020 and a 7 month break from “normal life”. Some of you have some questions, we have some answers. Let’s start with the 5 Ws and How!

Who: Five flying Vs- El, Verona (4), Levi (2), Trevi (1), and Cody.

What: 7 months of family, adventures and time to think.

With our growing young family, we want time to learn to be parents. We are usually learning on the “job” and the majority of the time find ourselves reacting to the present rather than planning for the future. Given that we will be with the kids 24/7/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the next 7 months), we’re hoping to build our parenting muscles while also lesson planning and instilling family values.

Adventuring is fun! Especially when we aren’t rushing to keep to a schedule (rushing with kids is NEVER fun). As we adventure, we get to problem solve, accept change, be resilient, foster creativity, meet new & different people, and be present.

Time to think… I’m bored. Are we there yet?! :-) In the last couple chapters, we built businesses, started a family, and settled into the community in beautiful Redwood City. The rest of this story is unwritten, and we want to make sure that the story that unfolds is the one we want to tell. This will take some reflection, discussion and time to think- if the kids will allow.

When: December 28 — August 1 (this is the date we get our house in Redwood City back).

Where: 1-way tickets to the Philippines to spend 2 weeks in Manila and 2 weeks on a beach in Coron. After those 4 weeks, this is our best guess: February in Japan, March-May in Italy (targeting a town in northern Italy with a train station and less than 20,000 people — any suggestions?), June & July in a non-Schengen country in Europe.

Schedules of visitors may affect timing and location. Apply to be a visitor now ;-)

Why: Because we can. We are fortunate to be able to take a break from work to focus on family at this point in our lives, and we want to make that a priority.

Because we want to. El and I met in an elevator in Tokyo 15 years ago, so travel and adventure is core to our family story. We enjoy seeing new places and meeting new people.

Because we believe in balance. After 15 years of working, we are ready for a bit of a recharge and re-center.

Because, because, because, because…


With 2 international size carry-on roller suitcases, 4 backpacks (sorry Trevi), 2 car seats and 2 strollers. We may end up ditching the car seats and strollers.

Still have questions? So do we :-) Don’t be shy, now you know where to find us



Cody Voellinger

Dad x 3. Team building is a forte. I believe in the power of people and stories. On hiatus from work to sharpen my parenting skills and see a bit of the world.