Landing a Back Office Job in a Philippines BPO Company

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3 min readSep 2, 2017

Even with the threat of Artificial Intelligence or AI, outsourcing is still the leading industry in the Philippines which opens doors of opportunities to many Filipino workers who yearn to have a better job and revenue that could sustain their family’s simple lifestyle.

As BPO companies continue to welcome new recruits, many recruitment teams are puzzled on why many experienced call center agents are going after the back office positions? Yes, the back office position is now considered as the most sought after position for the simple reason that it requires minimal calls.

So, if you think that calling people and answering queries are not your call but you still want to be part of this emerging industry, why don’t you apply for their back office positions? But before you do, you should know that even though the job description may sound simple, it does not mean that the job isn’t. Back office jobs are more than just sending emails. This is a common misconception why many qualified applicants fail on their job interviews. They do not understand well the position they are applying for.

If you want to land a back office job, this is your lucky day! Here are some tips that recruitment teams from well-known establishments that you can use to land on your dream job and be part of the back office support group. But before tackling the tips, you should know that once you work in a back office position, you may deal with people from different businesses and not the end-user consumers alone.


Tips That Can Help You Land a Back Office Job in the Philippines

Master the basic office tools

Although not all Filipinos are used to sending emails to communicate, you have to familiarize yourself with the basic office tools used in the back office like Adobe, Microsoft Office, Excel and more. For sure, the Human Resources will test your skills with these so be ready. Aside from that, you have to learn more about Outlook which is the most used tool of companies in sending reports.

Improve your customer service ability

Even though you are not a customer service representative, you must still have a good customer service skill because the company you are working for values their clients. You do not want to be responsible for pulling out their business with you for the simple reason that you’re rude and lacks the customer service skills.

Exhibit that you can work independently

As you begin your job, your signature and contact detail will be on every email that you’ll send. In this case, you have to be responsible once a problem arises. Once you screwed up, apologize and face the consequences.

BPO recruitment teams know how hard it is to be a BPO applicant. Hence, they always share handy tips to help you land a back office job.

