Who Am I? I am Emeigh Coe, an Executive Resume Writer, Career Coach with years of professional experience in crafting best-in-class resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles across the industries./// Resume Writer & Career Coach | 📝 Resumes | 🕒 | 💼 Win MORE Interviews & Land Your Dream Job GUARANTEED! ✅ MY SERVICES ► Critique your Resume , and provide professional advice. ► Review, rewrite and revamped your Resume with the right targeted, and compelling keywords in your industry. ► Complete enhancement and transformation of your Resume – credential-specific content improvement and ATS-keyword optimizations. ► ATS Proof Resume. ► Pass The 7 Second Test ► Powerful pro bio-intro to immediately grab attention on your resume/CV. ► Complete Resume/CV re-formatting to a clean, professional design praised by industry executives and HR managers. ► Dynamic Cover letter created from scratch, tailored to you and easily editable for any job you apply to in the future. ► Achievement-based, metric-driven accomplishments.

Emeigh Coe

Emeigh Coe

I am an Executive CV / Resume Writer, ATS Resume Expert, Targeted Cover Letters, Dedicated to helping YOU take your next Career Step.