The Essential Creed for Mastering Your Goals and Your Life

Margaret Johnson
5 min readJan 16, 2018

A compassionate manifesto for pursuing your life’s passions.

Dear traveler, seeker, wander, goal-crusher, life-improver, be-the-best-me liver,

You have set your goals; you have your destination in sight; you are taking your first steps.

You have decided that this year will be different. You have aspired to be better, to do more, to give more. You have purified your intentions. You have let go of baggage and commitments that don’t serve your higher purpose.

You have embarked on your hero’s journey of living your best life, true to your core values and beliefs, with authenticity, humility, and service.

You must carry with you The Essential Creed of the Traveler.

1. We will not crush, annihilate, or blow through our goals. We will not dominate and beat ourselves or this world into submission. Instead, we will steadfastly walk the path, weed our gardens, and stick to our systems and healthy habits. We will have faith in the process through difficulties and ease. We will accept assistance and inspiration with grace.

2. When we go off course, we will not beat ourselves up. We will not scold; we will not call ourselves losers. We will not say, I did this one wrong think; I blew it; I might as well…



Margaret Johnson

Sociologist~Author~Business Owner. DC-Metro. Writing a memoir, My American Pilgrimage. @coexistmarge: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter