Coffee Addiction
3 min readApr 26, 2020


How I got a great job through LinkedIn?

Yes, I got a job at a great company through LinkedIn. I started applying for job to the companies on LinkedIn from September 2018. However, the efforts that has been invested to get the job after 8 plus years of experience, was not started from September 2018 instead it was started since 2012. I started building my professional networking from 2012 on LinkedIn. I joined multiple technical groups which were relevant to my profile. I started following companies where I would like to work and also sent connection requests to recruiters of those companies or employees working over there.

“Hope looks forward. Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly.” — Florence Shinn

Whenever I got time I have gone through other people’s profile and looked for where I am lagging to reach or to grab opportunities similar to those profiles if it comes to me. I worked on the weak areas and built the profile which took almost more than 6 years. The patience, hopes and passion kept me to believe in myself.

I worked hard and took time to improve my skills where I was lagging. I updated myself with technologies and frameworks which are trending now. I focused mainly in two aspects to make my…



Coffee Addiction

Fullstack developer and AWS certified solution architect. I write technical content and sometimes write some random stuff.