COFFEE & CODED Female Founders Series: #6 Simerpreet Kaur

Coffee & Coded
2 min readAug 22, 2018


Meet Simerpreet Kaur, Founder & CEO of Untrodden Labs, a company focused on R&D, consulting and deployment of innovative solutions for diverse industrial and consumer applications, and ThingsGoSocial, a social platform to connect humans and machines. Simerpreet is an innovator driven to transform the conventions of business. Her focus is on fostering ideas from inception to existence with her knowledge of inventive and disruptive technology. She believes in passion raised to the power of experience to build a smarter future.

Fast Facts

Homebase: New Delhi, India

Founding Date: 2017

Fav App: Mine! ThingsGoSocial

Fav Book: Currently Reading “What Every Body Is Saying” by Joe Navarro.

Female Role Model: Shama Hyder, Founder of Zen Media.

From Simerpreet’s Perspective

Why Did You Start ThingsGoSocial?

“ThingsGoSocial is a social platform created to better connect humans and machines. We’re creating an ecosystem where people can interact with machines without any previous knowledge or predefined skill set. Our end-to-end solution is driving digital transformation leading to a socially collaborated, socially empowered, socially safe, socially secure, socially connected future. ”

What Was Your Biggest Challenge During the First Year?

“[My biggest challenge] was changing the mindset of the people in my community. People are very reluctant to change. I found that people are aware of technology and the impact it can have on advancing their business, but what they lack is a specific road-map how to take the right approach and get the best ROI.”

What Advice Would You Give New Entrepreneurs?

“Take the time to stop, pause, and think. Define your vision and make a plan to achieve it. And if things don’t seem right, ask yourself ‘what [you] might be doing wrong or could do differently.’ But don’t ever be afraid to follow your dreams or to follow your path. Defy the norms. Achieve your dreams.”

For more on Simerpreet Kaur, ThingsGoSocial, or Untrodden Labs check out the website here and follow ThingsGoSocial on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Medium.

You can also connect with Simerpreet on LinkedIn.

This feature is a part of the COFFEE & CODED Female Founders series. To learn more about COFFEE & CODED, follow us here on medium or on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.



Coffee & Coded

COFFEE & CODED LLC was founded in 2018 as an educational event series for women and girls interested in learning to code! You bring yourselves, we bring coffee.