#FridayFictioneers — Huff & Puff

Russell Mercer
1 min readAug 15, 2019


PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields

“Wow, he really meant it,” Stinky squealed.

“Sure did. Got inside just in time too,” Pinkey said peeking out the window. “Hate to think what would have happened…” She shook her head.

Gray stepped out amid the destruction unafraid, spotting the wolf laid by the street recovering from all the huffing and puffing. “Yep, you’d think they’d learn after all these years. This old brick held up for my Great Grandhog, and it’s still strong as anything.” He patted an appreciative hoof on the brick and squealed laughter.

“One day little piggies,” croaked the wolf. “I’ll get you one day.”

#FridayFictioneers is a weekly blog link up hosted by Rochelle over at RochelleWisoff.com. You should totally check it out and perhaps try your hand at your very own 100 word story!



Russell Mercer

Running miles, writing fiction, the occasional poem, and perhaps a bloggy type thing here and there. It's a fun little ride, so why not join me!