Can you eat coffee beans? Is it an alternative as a snack?

2 min readMay 8, 2024

We sometimes get a question like this on Instagram: Can we eat coffee beans? While we are accustomed to brewing and drinking coffee, some wonder whether it is safe to chew and consume whole coffee beans or whether it has any health benefits.

In this article, we will break down what we know about eating coffee beans and give you an overview of all the important information you need to know. We’ll explore

whether coffee beans are edible, their caffeine content and other components, taste and texture, the risks of eating too many, and fun ways to eat beans like chocolate-covered espresso beans.

Is eating coffee beans healthy?

Are it really safe to eat whole coffee beans? This is an important question because coffee beans contain compounds that can affect your health.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside coffee beans and the possible risks.

Caffeine Content in Coffee Beans

Whole coffee beans contain significant amounts of caffeine. On average, a single coffee bean contains about 6 milligrams of caffeine. The exact amount may vary depending on the type of coffee and roast.

For example, Robusta beans naturally contain more caffeine than Arabica beans. When it comes to roasting, light roasts tend to retain more caffeine from the bean than darker roasts.

Keep in mind that consuming too much caffeine at one time can lead to nervousness, anxiety, and sleep problems for many people.

This is especially concerning if you eat coffee beans by the handful. Just two handfuls can add up to about 200 milligrams; That’s the same amount of caffeine as a strong cup of coffee





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