7 Best Coffee Beans for Pour-Over

12 min read1 day ago

What is Pour-Over Coffee

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Pour-over is a brewing method in which coffee is made by pouring hot water over coffee grounds, which are contained in a filter. The pour-over method is one of the most commonly used coffee brewing methods. Pour-over brewing creates a lot of control over the brewing process.

This method produces a cup of coffee that is clean, smooth, and flavorful. Pour-over coffee can be made with any type of coffee bean, but some coffee beans are better suited for this brewing method than others.

What is the Importance of Coffee Beans when Making Pour Over Coffee

The coffee beans you use will have a big impact on the flavor of your coffee. If you want to make the perfect cup of pour-over coffee, you need to start with the best possible coffee beans.

Coffee beans contain all of the flavor and aromatics that make coffee so delicious. When it comes to making pour-over coffee, the quality of the beans is especially important because there is no way to mask flaws in the coffee with milk or sugar.

That’s why it’s essential to choose high-quality beans that have been roasted to perfection. Freshly roasted coffee beans are the best and most flavorful. The coffee characteristics differ greatly between the coffee roasts and origins.

If you start with inferior beans, your coffee will be disappointing no matter how carefully you brew it. You can only get the best out of your pour-over coffee if you have the right coffee beans. When you’re choosing coffee beans for pour-over, always choose wisely.

Factors to Consider When Buying Pour-Over Coffee Beans

These are the main factors you should consider when buying your coffee beans. If you keep these factors in mind, you’ll be sure to find the best coffee beans for your needs.

Type of Coffee Bean

The type of coffee bean is the first factor you should consider when buying your coffee beans. Different beans will taste different, so it’s important to find a bean that you enjoy.

There are two main types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica coffee beans are more popular because they have a sweeter, more nuanced flavor than Robusta coffee beans. Robusta coffee beans are more bitter and have less flavor.

Roast Level

The second factor to consider is the roast level of the bean. The coffee roast level also strongly influences the taste. A lighter roast will taste different than a darker roast.

Light roast coffee beans are more acidic and have a brighter flavor, while dark roasts are more mellow and have a deeper flavor. The roast level also affects the caffeine content of the coffee. A dark roast coffee bean has less caffeine than light roast coffee beans.

Coffee Bean Origin

The third factor to consider is the origin of the bean. Coffee beans come from all over the world, and each area produces beans with a unique flavor. For example, coffee from Africa is often fruity and bright, while coffee from South America is more chocolatey and nuttier.


And finally, when choosing coffee beans for pour-over, it’s important to consider how you’ll store the beans. Coffee beans should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. The ideal storage temperature is between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Optimal Method for Brewing a Delicious Pour-Over Coffee

Choose the Right Beans

The first step to making a great cup of pour-over coffee is to choose the right beans. As we mentioned before, the type of bean and the roast level will have a big impact on the flavor of your coffee.

If you’re not sure which beans to choose, we recommend trying a variety of different types and roast levels until you find the perfect combination for yourself.

Grind Size

Once you’ve chosen your beans, it’s time to grind them. The coffee grind size is important because it will affect how fast the coffee brews and how much bitterness is extracted from the beans. Even extraction of the coffee flavors is important if you want to create delicious coffee. If your coffee is too coarse, the water will flow through too quickly and the coffee will be weak.

If the grind is too fine, the water will take too long to filter through and the coffee will be over-extracted and bitter. Your coffee grind is supposed to be medium-fine; this will enable you to get the best results.

Water Quality

The quality of your water will also affect the taste of your coffee. If you’re using tap water, be sure to filter it first. This will remove any impurities that could affect the flavor of your coffee.

Pour Over Coffee Ratio

When brewing your coffee, you’ll want to use a ratio of coffee to water that is suited to your taste.

Brew at the Correct Temperature

The ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is between 195–205 degrees Fahrenheit.

Use a Gooseneck Kettle

A gooseneck kettle is designed to help you control the water as you pour it over your coffee grounds. This allows you to pour slowly and evenly, which is important for brewing a good cup of coffee.

Time Your Brew Perfectly

The best way to make a perfect cup of pour-over coffee is to time your brew perfectly. This means that you should start counting the seconds as soon as the water starts flowing into the coffee grounds. The ideal brew time is 3–4 minutes.

If you let the coffee brew for too long, it will become bitter and over-extracted. If you brew for too short a time, the coffee will be under-extracted and will lack flavor. By timing your brew perfectly, you’ll be able to create a cup of coffee that is perfectly balanced and delicious.

Choose the Right Filter

There are two main types of filters: paper and metal. Paper filters are the most common type of filter, and they’re what we recommend using for your coffee to get the best coffee taste. Metal filters can be difficult to use, and they often make the coffee taste metallic.

7 The Best Coffee Beans for Pour Over

There are many different types of coffee beans, and each one will produce a different flavor. When choosing the best coffee beans for pour-over, it’s important to consider your personal preferences. Do you like a light or dark roast? Fruity or chocolatey flavors? Single-origin or blends. We’ve put together a list of the top 7 beans for making your perfect cup.

Koffee Kult Whole Coffee Beans — Dark Roast

The coffee beans are sourced from Columbia, Guatemala Brazil and Sumatra. It is roasted fresh and locally, ensuring that the beans are of the highest quality.

The coffee has a strong aroma with notes of Dark Chocolate, Syrup, and walnuts. It is a smooth, heavy-bodied coffee with a bright finish. The acidity is well-balanced, making it a perfect coffee for those who enjoy a dark roast.


  • Bold and smooth taste
  • Balanced acidity


  • A bit pricey

The Mentalist Whole Bean Coffee — Medium Dark Roast

This coffee is made of high-quality Arabica beans which are roasted to perfection. The Mentalist Whole Bean Coffee has a rich and intense flavor with notes of cinnamon, plum, and orange with a cocoa hazelnut finish.

The coffee is also reasonably priced, making it a great value for money. The Mentalist Whole Bean Coffee is available in different sizes, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. It is also Kosher certified, so you can be sure that it meets your dietary requirements.


  • The coffee is made of high-quality Arabica beans which are roasted to perfection.
  • The coffee is also reasonably priced, making it a great value for money.


  • None

Kicking Horse Coffee Smart Ass- Medium Roast

Kicking Horse Coffee — Medium Roast is a great coffee for those who love pour-over coffee. This coffee has a great bold and delicious flavor that is perfect for medium roast lovers. The coffee has a rich, chocolatey aroma with hints of sugar cane and milk chocolate tasting notes. It is also slightly fruity and has a nice acidity that makes it perfect for use in pour-over coffee.

This coffee is also made with 100% Arabica coffee beans. The beans are sourced from Africa, and Central & South America. In addition, Kicking Horse Coffee is Fairtrade certified, meaning that it was produced ethically and sustainably.


  • Organic
  • A smooth and rich cup of coffee
  • Fairtrade


  • This product does not come in a package that can be resealed.

Don Francisco’s Kona Blend Whole Bean Coffee — Medium Roast

Don Francisco’s medium roast coffee is rich and a perfect choice for coffee lovers. The coffee has a deep, dark color with a slight bitterness that is well balanced by the sweetness of the coffee. Don Francisco’s coffee is a popular choice for those who enjoy a strong cup of coffee. The coffee is made from 10% Kona coffee blended with premium Arabica beans.

The coffee beans are roasted in small batches to ensure that each batch is uniform in quality. Don Francisco’s coffee is packaged in airtight bags to preserve the freshness of the beans.


  • Recyclable coffee bags
  • Roasted in small batches for consistent


  • Not Organic

Death Wish Coffee Whole Beans — Dark Roast

This is a coffee bean product that is roasted to achieve a high level of darkness. It is claimed to be the world’s strongest coffee with twice the caffeine content of a regular cup of coffee. Death Wish Coffee is made with a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. The coffee beans are sourced from India and Peru which are known for their very nutrient-rich soil.

The resulting coffee has a bold flavor with hints of chocolate and cherry. Despite its high caffeine content, Death Wish Coffee — Dark Roast is surprisingly smooth and not bitter.

It is also low in acidity, making it easier on the stomach. Overall, Death Wish Coffee — Dark Roast is an excellent choice for those who want a strong cup of coffee without sacrificing flavor or quality.


  • Bold and rich flavor
  • High-caffeine coffee
  • Completely organic
  • Available in the whole bean, pre-ground, and K-Cups
  • No bitter taste


  • A bit pricey

Lifeboost Whole Coffee Beans — Medium Roast

Lifeboost Coffee is all about providing the healthiest and best-tasting coffee. If you’re looking for a coffee that’s both delicious and nutritious. Lifeboost Coffee is the way to go.

Their whole bean medium roast is made with 100% Arabica beans, which are slow roasted to perfection and the beans are carefully selected to provide only the best quality coffee. This gourmet coffee is also amongst the best coffee beans for pour-over.

In addition to being packed with flavor, these beans are also rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can support your health. Lifeboost Coffee is also committed to sustainability, sourcing its beans from farms that practice sustainable growing methods.

So not only is their coffee good for you, but it’s also good for the planet. When you choose Lifeboost Coffee, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee knowing that you’re supporting a brand that cares about its customers and the environment.


  • Organic
  • A smooth and rich cup of coffee
  • Low acid
  • Available in whole bean, ground or pods


  • A bit pricey

Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Medium Roast Whole Bean Coffee

Lavazza Super Crema is a type of coffee bean that is known for its distinct flavor profile. The coffee is also known for its crema, or frothy layer, which forms on top of the coffee when it is brewed. This crema is made up of coffee oils and proteins that are released from the bean during the roasting process.

Lavazza Super Crema beans are typically used to make espresso, but they can also be used to make other types of coffee drinks. The bold flavor of the beans makes them a popular choice among coffee drinkers who want a strong cup of coffee.


  • Rich and a full-flavored cup of coffee
  • A unique Arabica and Robusta blend


  • It’s a bit pricey


Can I Use Regular Ground Coffee for Pour Over

Yes, you can use regular ground coffee for pour-over coffee. However, it is important to note that the grind size will affect the taste of your coffee. A finer grind will result in a stronger cup of coffee, while a coarser grind will result in a weaker cup of coffee.

What are the Best Pour-Over Coffee makers

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as different coffee makers will produce different results. However, some coffee makers are better suited for pour-over coffee than others.

For example, the Chemex coffee maker is a popular choice for pour-over coffee. It has a simple design and produces great results, Kalita Wave Pour Over Coffee Maker is another popular option.

Ultimately, the best coffee maker for pour-over coffee is the one that produces the results that you’re looking for.

What is the Best Way to Grind Coffee Beans for Pour-Over

The best way to grind coffee beans for pour-over is to use a burr grinder. This type of grinder will produce a consistent grind, which is important for making a good cup of coffee. You’ll want to avoid using a blade grinder.

How to Troubleshoot Common Issues While Making Pour-Over Coffee.

There are a few common issues that can occur while making pour-over coffee. The first is that the grind size may not be optimal. If the grind size is too large, the coffee will not brew properly and will be overly bitter. If the grind size is too small, the coffee will over-extract and will be sour and acidic.

Another common issue is that the water temperature may not be ideal. If the water is too hot, it will scald the coffee and make it taste bad. If the water is too cold, the coffee will not extract properly and will be weak.

Finally, another common issue is that the coffee beans may not be fresh. Coffee beans should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. They should also be used within two weeks of being roasted for the best flavor.


If you’re looking for the best coffee beans for pour-over, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind.

First, consider your taste preferences. Different beans will taste different, so it’s important to find a bean that you enjoy. You’ll also want to consider the roast level of the bean. A lighter roast will taste different than a darker roast. Additionally, you’ll want to choose a bean that is fresh and of high quality.

When it comes to grinding, the best grind for pour-over coffee is a medium-fine grind. This will allow the water to evenly extract the flavor from the beans.

And finally, be sure to use filtered water when brewing your coffee, as this will help to remove any impurities that could affect the flavor.

Now that you know what to look for in the best coffee beans for pour-over, check out our top picks. We’ve selected a variety of beans that we think are perfect for this brewing method. So, whether you’re looking for a light and floral bean or a dark and rich one, we’ve got you covered.

Happy brewing!

