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More with mRemoteNG — How to with External Tools and FileZilla



mRemoteNG is a unique tool described as the next generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager. This tool provides functionality beyond that of a simple remote connections manager.

In this story, I will describe the usage of FileZilla.exe. If FZ is one of your tools, it is extremely simple to configure and use within mRemoteNG.

I have one or more connections to FTP sites w/in FileZilla. Is it possible to do it with mRemoteNG to make it simpler? The answer is DEFINITELY .

Creating Connection Using Sites Manager In FileZilla

Create an External Tool for the FileZilla.

Click on Tools-External Tools.
Create a new External Tool.
Enter the Name (FileZilla).
Enter the Filename (C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe).
Enter the Arguments ( -c “0/%USERFIELD%”).
Enter the Working Directory (“C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client”)
Check the box for Run Elevated.
Check the Try to Integrate.

2. Create a New Connection for FileZilla.

Press the button to create New Connection (CTRL+N).
Navigate to the Protocol section.
Select Ext. App as the protocol.
Select FileZilla (or whatever you called it) as External Tool.
In the User Field, enter the site name as it is in the FileZilla Site manager.
Select an icon for the connection. Unfortunately, the list of icons is static.

When the connection is launched, the connection to the ftp site will be initiated by mRemoteNG.

Connection Information

What if I don’t use the Site Manager in FileZilla?

The tool is powerful to provide a variety of options. If you know the site, username, and password, the following configuration is possible.

1. Configuration for External Tool for the FileZilla.

Enter the Arguments ( ftp://%username%:%password%@%hostname%).
Enter the Working Directory (“C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client”)
Check the box for Run Elevated.
Check the Try to Integrate.

2. Configuration of Connection for the FileZilla.

In the HostName/IP field, enter the ftp site.
In the Username field, enter the ftp username.
In the Password field, enter the ftp password.




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