How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Legal Field

Cogni Down Under
3 min readDec 10, 2023


Artificial intelligence (AI) is having a major impact on the legal profession. From conducting legal research to reviewing documents, AI tools are automating many tasks that used to take lawyers a tremendous amount of time. This increased efficiency allows lawyers to take on more clients and focus on providing advice rather than administrative work.

One area where AI is making major inroads is legal research. Tools like ROSS Intelligence use natural language processing to read through millions of legal documents in seconds. Lawyers can simply ask questions in plain English instead of having to comb through databases and come up with the right search queries. This saves many hours that can now be better utilized serving clients.

Document review is another area being transformed by AI. Manual review of contracts and other documents is very time-consuming. Companies like LawGeex and Kira Systems use machine learning algorithms to quickly review and analyze contracts. This allows lawyers to speed up due diligence for mergers and acquisitions as well as other high-stakes deals.

AI is also helping make the legal system more accessible for the average person. DoNotPay is an AI-powered chatbot that has been dubbed “the world’s first robot lawyer.” It helps people with tasks like appealing parking tickets and getting compensation from airlines for delayed flights. While it cannot replace lawyers for high-stakes cases, it is helping more people get access to legal help for common issues.

Going forward, AI will continue to reshape various aspects of the legal profession. More accurate predictions regarding case outcomes expanded access to legal help, and automation of routine tasks are some ways the legal field will continue to be transformed by artificial intelligence in the coming years. However, AI will not completely replace lawyers, especially for complex cases. The future legal profession will still rely on distinctly human skills like emotional intelligence, creativity, and judgment. AI will simply help lawyers focus on providing the very best counsel and advice to their clients.

In addition to legal research and document review, AI technologies are also making inroads into other aspects of the legal system. For example, machine learning algorithms can now predict the outcomes of certain types of cases with increasing accuracy. Researchers have developed specialized models that can analyze the facts and circumstances behind cases involving immigration, patents, and employment issues and provide a probability of how the case might be decided.

While not fully reliable on their own, these AI case prediction models provide attorneys with more information when advising their clients on likely outcomes. This allows for better preparedness and strategic planning.

AI is also helping make legal services more affordable and accessible. Applications like DoNotPay show the promise of increasing access to legal help. Other companies are taking this even further by using AI to create on-demand legal services. Shake is an app that provides a platform for attorneys to create profiles and for clients to get in touch for quick legal advice sessions, contract reviews, and other services. This on-demand model allows for fixed-fee services, often at more affordable rates than traditional law firms.

The legal world has amassed a huge amount of data over decades in the form of case law, rulings, briefs, and evidence. AI has the potential to uncover insights from these massive stores of data that no human would ever have the bandwidth to analyze. As legal analytics powered by AI continues to progress, it may reshape how legal strategies are formed and how the law itself evolves. The transformative impact of AI on the legal profession has only just begun.

This article explores how artificial intelligence is automating legal tasks like research and document review while also making legal services more affordable and accessible. Key topics covered:

  • AI tools like ROSS are transforming legal research through natural language processing
  • Machine learning streamlines contract and document review for due diligence
  • AI case prediction models provide attorneys with information on likely case outcomes
  • On-demand legal apps are using AI to offer more affordable legal help
  • Processing massive legal data could uncover new insights and impact strategies
  • Overall, AI is reshaping many aspects of the legal profession leading to increased efficiency, accessibility, and insights.

#AILaw #LegalTech #RobotLawyers #LegalFutures #LegalInnovation #LegalAnalytics



Cogni Down Under

Exploring the intersection of technology and artificial intelligence