precious life

Gary E. Davis
3 min readNov 24, 2023

When I watch the agonizing documentary “20 Days in Mariupol” (97 mins., Frontline / Associated Press collaborative), I see terrified medical teams in total chaos risking their lives for the sake of saving a few — and often failing — during the spring of 2022.

But Ukrainian life is trash for Putin’s vicious hunger for arable territory.

The early months of the covid-19 pandemic caused medical teams to exhaust themselves saving every single life possible, especially elderly persons with chronic conditions who wouldn’t likely live much longer without the pandemic, but are desperately saved because human life is precious.

Now, NGOs are desperately trying to save starving or/and displaced villagers because life matters, period.

But savage consumers of weapons provided by predatory oligarchs would welcome fewer lives to deal with, in the territory they prize.

Barbaric use of citizens as human shields wagers that the moral restraint of their enemy will allow barbarity to eventually trash life further.

The mentality that human life is disposable tropes the eonic nature of most animal life.

A species of wasp injects an anesthetic into cockroaches, then inserts its eggs into the live roach’s abdomen where the eggs hatch to eat the roach to death from the inside.

Over 20 million AR-15 style guns are legally owned by American predators (fantasy warriors), for no other kinds of reason than vanity and distorted senses of danger.

From provincial ground to global conditions, the empire of law is often a matter of animal husbandry — even for normal health care professionals who deal with deadly metabolic syndromes at a level of veterinary medicine: The animal, lower brain prevails over the human.

Philosophers who worry about “mind”/brain differences conceal the evolutionary reality of higher/lower differences within the individuated brain/mind interface which show in adult mentability: Who’s in charge?: weaponized retardation of one’s humanity or genuinely exemplary mind?

Authoritarian appeal to a populace (wanting “change,” whatever) and by an autocrat (wanting power) is as old as tribal life: Long live the benevolent king to come! Bring on the holy father. “May God save us,” but “he” does not.

I have a fantasy of relative gods arriving from elsewhere in the galaxy with incomprensible and benevolent power, asserting (in effect),

“Enough of weaponized animality. There will be a principle-based international order of humanity securing the rules-based order of global relations.

“There will be removal of dictatorial membership from the U.N. Security Council.

“There will be no more nuclear weapons, and all national militaries will be subject to U.N. policing of regional conflicts.

“There will be no market for privately owned weapons.

“There will be full compliance with the Paris Accords.

“The beneficent wrath of the true gods will not allow theocratic power.

“There will be higher education available to everyone.”

Then, when creation of a humane planet has been secured — when ecologically flourishing humanity has been ensured — the gods leave, returning the future of Earth to Our evolving, controlled by truly democratic, authentically intelligent life, just as the most enlightened persons give wildlife preserves protection from predatory humans, because their life matters to intelligence which can appreciate the integrity — the miracle — of biodiversity.

But no one can locate from where the voice of the gods originates.
All humanity learns is that the will of the gods became real.

