IBM on Patent Hunt, Again!

1 min readNov 21, 2018

Owner of many patents, U.S. multinational IT company IBM has applied for a patent in making use of blockchain technology in aiding scientific research and keeping the records and results on the chain in the meantime. The company aims at integrating blockchain technology and data collection with scientific research.

The company has many other patents related to blockchain technology, including augmented reality and now, their focus is on a more technical part of the business as there is not any platform that offers “requisite controls and mechanisms” to keep research findings safe & secure.

The patent application goes as “Currently, there are limited platforms that allow for sharing information about scientific research and showing transparent data collection and analysis steps,” and adds:

“Platforms that do exist, lack the requisite controls and mechanisms to allow for trustworthy data, as there are few options for ensuring that data will be resistant to modification.”

In conclusion, scientific research can benefit from blockchain technology in a number of ways; adaptations of blockchain technology are endless.




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