The Diplomacy-Free Version Of Trade

2 min readMar 25, 2019

Attendees of trade business come across with many problems. Intermediary figures can be said to be the main reason that traders face up with callosity when they are doing business.

Blockchain technology is known for its neatness. Blockchain technology is the ultimate method for the fastest Money transfer. Furthermore, blockchain technology is highly secure; once a process is encoded on the chain, it is impossible to be changed or deleted. Plus, a digital receipt of a money transaction is immediately restored on the system; having documented every single step that has been taken during the business. Since the digital receipt is automatically stored, the need for the attestation of or extra fees to be paid to a third-party figure is eliminated.

The paper flow that is required in the traditional way of doing business is a real burden every single figure that is involved in trade. Paperwork and physical document transfer are two distractions that slow down the business. Furthermore, documentation and paperwork take too much time and effort as if they are not just a step but the action itself.

Currently, traders that are the actual agents of trade are positioned to obey third-party figures who demand money and interrupt the business. This inequity results in an unfair distribution of the overall profit.

In conclusion, the nature of trade requires it to be engaged with blockchain technology, which can serve as the best model ever to result in with the benefit of traders; without giving credit to any third-party figure.

The purpose of Coimex is to ease the way of trade by adapting the revolutionary blockchain technology to the needs and deficiencies of international trade sector.




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