What a Horrible Pool!

4 min readOct 16, 2020


It is sometimes as difficult for a mining pool market newcomer as for a weakling nerd in the company of pumped-up classmates at a disco getting occasional pushes and insults. And we know it firsthand as we entered the market recently, and are already mining Ether! Users who are offered good conditions and a lot of profit often make mistakes and rush to blame the pool. Let’s be honest, guys, we are not the only ones who occasionally screw up;) Just take a look at the proofs below.

Where is my money? No, you tell me: WHERE IS MY MONEY?

Nobody wants to see new players on the mining pool market: neither competitors, nor the miners themselves, many of whom prefer to stay in their comfort zone working with a proven scheme. And, just in case, drown newcomers in waves of negativity and accuse them in advance of not having pure intentions. Because you cannot be too cautious, can you? :)

The main thing is that we, as the Ethereum mining pool that has recently entered the market, most often hear from users: “Where did my money go?”, “Thieves!”, “Scam”. Shall we see how it actually happens? ;) Of course, all the cases below are impersonal, and the coincidences… well, they, alas, are not accidental.

So, here’s the first case. For a couple of days, user X corresponded with our support team asking our specialists several times where his money was. The balance showed a certain amount, but he could not withdraw it. In the end, it turned out that he was looking at the minimal amount (this amount comes after the slash, circled in blue), and his balance (like yours, dear users) is the first amount.

Moving on to the next case. User N wrote the letter O instead of zero in the wallet address bar. And, of course, he did not receive anything, and therefore immediately began to write us angry messages using the words like “cheated”, “where is my balance”, until we figured it out and changed the address to the correct one.

Where are the proofs, Billy? Where are my reports?

At least 10 users have already contacted us with the question of where to view the reports, because the miners are already connected. In fact, this information is written down in our instructions on the website and in the manuals. But we, of course, tell everyone that in order to see your reports, you just need to go over here without logging in, and type in the address of your wallet. And everything will be sorted out.

Where are the workers then?

It also happens that a user comes to us and asks where his N workers are. Reports — here they are, but workers aren’t visible! What does our support team do? They take a close look at it. Turns out that the user spelled out the commands incorrectly — it was necessary to write each line separately for each worker. We fixed it and everything worked correctly.

If you take COS, how much do you pay?

Often, our technical department is also a consulting center not only for the pool issues, but also for the platform and software. It happens that our users ask us: “How much will I pay for COS if I have 4 rigs?” We say: “If there are 4 rigs, then we provide free access to the convenient basic functionality of the product for home miners for $0 per month; Pro rate (from 5 to 300 rigs) comes with extended functionality and $1.5 payment for each rig or (if you mine on our pool) 1.5% from everything you mined, and no commission fee”.

There are reports, but no profit!

We honestly talk about our flaws — we have no secrets from users. For example, it happened a couple of times that the pool crushed for a user, they did not see the profit that they expected, and asked for compensation. Is it fair? It sure is! We asked to send the miner’s logs to our support team, carried out the necessary analysis, set a payment, and transferred the missing funds.

It also happened that several users lost their balances, rigs, profits. So what happened? We’re going to be honest: we have a bug — and we will fix it soon — if the letters from the wallet address are indicated in the wrong case (capital letters instead of small letters or vice versa), then the system will not recognize them as the address of the same wallet. Hotfix coming soon, balances will be merged.

Ping or no ping…

It has already happened more than once when our users complained about low ping. And complained about how terrible the pool is. Just in case, we want to note once again that our pool is closed from ping for security reasons. And the fact that you ping our pages from time to time, including https://ethpool.coinfly.cc, has no effect. So please don’t.

The statistics just crashed

Yes, this happens from time to time, but there is no need to panic. Why? Because even if there are no statistics on the site, the rigs work and all data is recorded. And we honestly pay you by shares, not by statistics and calculator numbers. In addition, our development is working to improve this part as well.

So finally, what’s the point in writing this? We want to point out that sometimes the problems that cause a lot of drama in reality don’t even exist. It takes a little effort to figure it out, and most often it turns out that things are not as bad. Drop us a line, we are always ready to help with any issue;) And obviously, we continue our work to ensure that everyone is happy!




CoinFly — everything for the crypto mining: online portal for management, accounting and statistics, dedicated OS and mining pool. https://www.coinfly.cc/