Payment site via application

Information Crypto
4 min readSep 16, 2018


More than 1,000 forms of digital money have increased on the planet now, after Bitcoin appeared on the scene in 2009, and endless trade has also run out. We don’t like now making software applications like different trades. we started Project Bravo, where individuals can pay and provide tips and innovations and in addition to digital currency Bravo Bravo payment is a stage with straightforward, expandable and insoluble capabilities. In addition, Bravo will create its own biological system. This customer explains the important advantages of Bravo’s payment and justifies and condenses the dream of Bravo decentralized payments. This illustrates what stage Bravo application is and how it delivers incentives to its clients.

In a society that is undoubtedly migrating towards a cashless system, it’s often difficult to tip the hard-working artist, waiter and other service industry professional or even settle a debt with

friends. Nearly 10% of Americans no longer carry cash and 49% carry $20 or less on a daily basis.1Worldwide, only 2% of adults have a mobile payment solution.

Unfortunately, this problem is not unique to the U.S. and in some parts of the world it’s even more frustrating given limited access to banks. When available, current solutions typically run on archaic software, pose high and constantly increasing fees,
lack guarantee and trust,transparency,

anonymity and are unsafe leading to personal data and history sharing.

There are many well-founded market concerns about online and mobile lack of privacy and safety. In fact, a recent study revealed that 71% of Americans are most concerned about online privacy when they are accessing their financial data.

Recent data has shown that current non-blockchain payment methods lack privacy and protections for their users. Data exposed by researcher Hang Do Thi Duc confirmed the current

systems’ weaknesses accessing public on-line data on 207,984,218 transactions of Venmo users (a Paypal company) identifying transactions by user, name, behavior and habits.12 13 What is worse, financial and non-financial companies seem to execute on this insecure behavior on purpose.

These shortcomings of the traditional banking system gave rise to Bitcoin and blockchain, which

allow people to privately and securely transact with a currency that maintains value without a
central authority controlling its supply and circulation.

Bitcoin, a first generation blockchain payment protocol, brought technology, transparency and trust to the online financial industry. It proved a brilliant concept and broke ground for other

protocols and tokens with better technologies, rules, latency, stability, trust and applications beyond payments. Despite the fast evolution, the technology still lacks the qualities required to attract mass consumers; it has a fragmented clunky user experience, confusing onboarding,

complex keys that often require a third-party custodian for safety, and lacks a human-centric design.

At BRAVO, we are solving the slow blockchain adoption paradigm with a proven human-centric user interface on a robust blockchain infrastructure.

BRAVO started in 2014 with a grassroots approach and was built from the ground up with
iterative development incorporating user feedback in the software development lifecycle. This
extensive research and development fast-tracked our product as we created a mobile fiat
payment platform.

After a successful proof of concept where millions of dollars in fiat (USD) were processed using

our iOS and Android apps, we are now launching our next generation platform powered by


So, what is Bravo and why is this site developed. Bravo is an anonymous peer-to-peer payment system and transfers to those close to you using your own Bravo Pay payment system, which was built in Blochain.

For example, giving tips, or shallow payments for goods on the market.
Let’s consider the main function:

  • Bravo searches for the closest people to use GPS, while the system will maintain your anonymity, it will only show the wallet number of the closest people.
  • Payment is reliable and transfers to strangers without disclosing it and your identity.
  • Anonymous chat. There you can assess the quality of service, remind you of the need for payment, and only communicate with others.
  • There is no commission for transfer.

As we have seen, the main purpose of this system is payment for goods and services and the transfer of a small amount of "direct contact" distance. This system is very suitable for payment for souvenirs or for tips, or only for transactions that require anonymity.
Summarizing, we can say that this payment system will take its place because the main problem in the translation of small money is the large percentage of commissions. This happens so that other people do not have enough goods to travel, but it does not exist, that the system will come to save.

In addition, the Bravo application is now popular with the people of the world, so it is easy to pay bills for various needs of the world community, so this mega project is very interesting for you to follow and participate in Bravo Mega Project.

You can visit the Bravo website to find out more about Bravo and learn also the Bravo whitepaper, in addition to their media channels also support the latest information. From the Bravo project, here is the Bravo media channel below:







