Introducing Airdrops by CoinList

Sign up to receive tokens from top blockchain companies

2 min readApr 26, 2018


The best token projects win because of their network effects — but they need a way to bootstrap these effects. They need a way to provide their tokens to early users, and they need to do so compliantly.

Perhaps the most widely-discussed technique for doing so is an airdrop. Airdrops are a method of distributing tokens to future users — like you — of a network without making you pay the full price for the tokens on the market or in an ICO.

Whether it’s a network that wants to drive usage of their token on their protocol or application, or a company that has tokenized its equity and wants to give early users a stake in the business, we’re seeing interest in airdrops from endless projects.

But unfortunately for the issuers that consider such an option, their lawyers often tell them that they can’t just go around handing out tokens. Given the uncertainty around how securities law applies to tokens, attorneys typically suggest that token airdrops may not spare issuers from securities regulation and that they should just abandon the concept.

Introducing Compliant Airdrops

Today, we’re announcing Airdrops by CoinList. For the first time, we’re allowing issuers to send you tokens — for free or only costing you pennies — while following US securities law.

We’re also allowing networks to grant you tokens based on what you decide to tell them about your location, profession, interests, and more.

And last of all: with most airdrops today, not only are they operating in a gray area — or worse — of the law, but they have no tool for telling you it’s happening or how to receive tokens. With Airdrops by CoinList, you’ll be proactively alerted when one of the issuers on the platform wants to give you access to tokens.

Sign up now to receive tokens from top blockchain projects and get notified about upcoming airdrops.

Are you an issuer that wants to airdrop your tokens? Get early access.

Disclaimer: CoinList and its affiliates do not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice — all individuals are advised to consult with their advisers.




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