CoinMath Litepaper — Empowering Crypto for Everyone: Mine, Earn, and Grow with CoinMath

6 min readMar 24, 2023


Empowering Crypto for Everyone: Mine, Earn, and Grow with CoinMath

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Features and Benefits

3. Technical details

3.1. Algorithm CoinMath

3.2. Smart contracts

4. COIM Token

4.1. Tokenomics

4.2. Mining speed and halving mechanism

5. Multilevel Marketing (MLM)

6. Know Your Customer (KYC)

7. Market Overview

8. Problem and solution

9. Future of CoinMath

10. Conclusion

1. Introduction

CoinMath is a new cryptocurrency that can be mined directly from the mobile app. It is built on the Base blockchain which ensures fast and secure transactions. The CoinMath mobile app simplifies the mining process and users can earn passive income by mining CoinMath $COIM token daily. This litepaper aims to provide an overview of CoinMath, including its features, benefits, and technical details.

2. Features and benefits

  • Easy mining process: CoinMath makes mining easy for everyone, including those who are new to cryptocurrencies. Users can download the mobile app, hit the mining button, and start earning CoinMath coins right away.
  • Daily Mining: Users can mine CoinMath coins daily through the mobile app. The mining process stops automatically after 24 hours and users need to restart the mining process by pressing the mining button again.
  • Base Blockchain: CoinMath is built on the Base blockchain which offers fast and secure transactions. The mobile app allows users to track their transactions, balance, and coins.
  • Passive Income: CoinMath allows users to earn passive income through daily mining of the CoinMath “COIM” token. Users who invite more users and do daily mining can earn even more.

3. Technical details

3.1. CoinMath Algorithm: CoinMath uses a unique mining algorithm that is different from the Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithms. The mobile app handles all the complex mathematical equations, allowing users to simply press the mining button to start mining. This user-friendly approach eliminates the need for specialized equipment or technical expertise.

3.2. Smart Contracts: The mining process involves the use of a smart contract written in Rust (Metaplex), a Based (ERC20) smart contract programming language. A smart contract ensures the security and transparency of the mining process.

4. COIM Token

4.1. Tokenomics: CoinMath rewards miners with its own COIM token built on the Base blockchain. ERC20 creates a standardized interface for creating, issuing, transferring, and burning Base-compatible tokens. The COIM token will gain value once the protocol is launched on the mainnet, providing users with a valuable asset that they can hold or trade.

4.2. Mining speed and halving mechanism: CoinMath’s mining speed changes as the number of users grows. At launch, the initial mining speed is set at 0.14 tokens per hour. As the number of users increases, mining speed is gradually halved at key stages.

When the number of users reaches 100,000, the mining speed will be halved to 0.07 tokens per hour. This ensures that the supply of tokens remains stable and that the project can continue to grow steadily.

The next milestone comes when the number of users reaches 1 million. At this point, the mining speed is halved again to 0.035 tokens per hour. This indicator will be maintained until the number of users reaches 10 million.

At the turn of 10 million users, the mining speed will be halved to 0.0175 tokens per hour. This halving process continues through the 100 million and 1 billion user stages until a final mining rate of 0.0175 tokens per hour is reached.

This unique system allows CoinMath to maintain a fair distribution of tokens while also driving the growth and adoption of the project. It encourages early adoption while still allowing new users to participate in the mining process.

CoinMath offers an innovative solution to the problem of fair and sustainable distribution of tokens. By tying mining speed to key milestones, the project ensures that the supply of tokens remains stable while also driving growth and adoption. As the project continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how mining speed changes and how the community reacts to these milestones.

5. Multilevel Marketing (MLM)

CoinMath uses a multi-level marketing (MLM) approach to expand its user base. Users who invite others to join the platform get an increase in their mining earnings. This approach helps the network grow at a steady pace and rewards users for their efforts to bring new people to the platform.

CoinMath allows users to invite their friends to join the mining process by sharing their invitation code. When a new user registers with an invite code, the user who invited them will receive a 10% increase in mining speed.

It is important to note that only the user who invites his friends will receive a 10% increase in mining speed. A new user who registers with an invitation code will not receive any bonuses.

Invitation codes are a great way to increase your mining speed and earn more CoinMath tokens. Users can share their invitation code with friends and family via social media, messaging apps, or any other means of communication.

6. Know Your Customer (KYC )

CoinMath requires users to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process at a later stage when users transfer their COIM tokens to the mainnet. The KYC process is designed to prevent users from creating multiple accounts and keep the network secure.

7. Market Overview

The cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly and the demand for decentralized mining protocols is increasing. According to a MarketsandMarkets report, the global blockchain market is expected to grow from $3 billion in 2020 to $39.7 billion by 2025 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 67.3%.

Another Statista report shows that the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has grown from $17.7 billion in January 2017 to over $2.5 trillion in September 2021. This represents a significant increase in the value of the cryptocurrency market and highlights the need for decentralized mining protocols such as CoinMath. .

8. Problem and Solution

Outline of the Problem

The crypto ecosystem is still in its early stages of development and there are several issues that need to be addressed before it can become mainstream. One of the biggest challenges facing the industry is the lack of user acceptance. Despite the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, many people still do not understand how they work and how to use them.

Another issue facing the industry is the lack of a reliable and decentralized mining protocol. Most existing mining protocols are either centralized, that is, controlled by one person, or difficult to use and require special equipment and technical knowledge.

Finally, the cryptocurrency ecosystem faces a serious scalability issue. Most of the existing blockchain networks have limited transaction throughput, making them difficult to scale with the growing number of users and transactions.

How CoinMath Intends to Solve the Problem

CoinMath intends to solve the problems facing the cryptocurrency ecosystem by providing a convenient and decentralized mining protocol that rewards users for participating in the network. The network is designed to be easy to use and anyone with a smartphone can participate in the mining process.

The mining process on CoinMath is designed to be simple and straightforward. Users must pass a quick check to confirm they are humans and not bots. Once verified, users can start mining by simply pressing a button on the CoinMath app every 24 hours. The more users mining on the network, the higher the mining speed, which means more rewards for everyone.

CoinMath is also designed to be scalable. The network is built on a sharded architecture that enables it to process a large number of transactions simultaneously. The network can handle up to 100,000 transactions per second, which is significantly higher than existing blockchain networks.

9. Future of CoinMath

CoinMath aims to become a leading decentralized mining protocol, providing users with an accessible and user-friendly mining experience. The team behind CoinMath is dedicated to creating a sustainable and scalable mining ecosystem, with plans to add more features and functionalities in the future.

10. Conclusion

CoinMath presents a unique and innovative approach to cryptocurrency mining, making the process accessible and convenient for anyone with a smartphone. The easy-to-use mobile app, combined with the advanced features and benefits of the Base blockchain, offers a reliable and decentralized mining protocol for the masses.

With the COIM token, CoinMath provides valuable incentives to early adopters and encourages the growth of its user base through a multi-level marketing approach. As the CoinMath community expands to include miners and ambassadors, the protocol is poised for significant growth.

The future of CoinMath is focused on becoming the leading decentralized mining protocol by continually improving its platform and introducing new features and functionality. By addressing current issues in the cryptocurrency ecosystem such as user adoption, decentralized mining, and scalability, CoinMath has the potential to revolutionize the world of decentralized mining and facilitate the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

