Chinese City Unveils Plan to Develop Metaverse

CoinNess Global
3 min readMay 27, 2023


The city of Zhengzhou in China recently announced a set of policy proposals aimed at supporting the growth and development of metaverse companies in the region. These initiatives, introduced by the municipal government, include the establishment of a dedicated fund worth 10 billion yuan ($1.42 billion) to facilitate the advancement of the metaverse industry.

Photo by Jéan Béller on Unsplash

Draft policy proposals

According to the government’s draft which was published on Wednesday, metaverse companies that choose to relocate their headquarters to Zhengzhou will have the opportunity to receive a startup capital investment of up to 200 million yuan ($28.34 million). In addition, these companies will be eligible for various other benefits, such as rent subsidies, to help facilitate their operations.

It’s worth noting that the policy extends beyond companies with headquarters in Zhengzhou. Any company engaged in metaverse-related use case development within the city, regardless of their headquarters location, can apply for funding. Projects certified as viable by the municipal government can receive up to 5 million yuan ($710,000) in financial support.

While the specific date for fund allocation has not been disclosed yet, the municipal government of Zhengzhou has outlined its long-term vision for metaverse development in the city. It anticipates that metaverse-related industries in Zhengzhou will generate an annual revenue exceeding 200 billion yuan ($28.34 billion) by the end of 2025.

Stimulating metaverse development

These policies apply to local enterprises operating in two distinct areas. Firstly, research endeavors focused on metaverse-related technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and brain-computer interfaces, are eligible for support. Secondly, the utilization of metaverse technologies in real-world industries, including education, entertainment, and commerce, can also qualify for funding.

In addition to the dedicated fund, the government of Zhengzhou plans to collaborate with other governmental agencies and investment firms to secure an additional 50 billion yuan ($7.08 billion) in funding. This funding will be allocated to support various metaverse-related development projects. Furthermore, the city intends to provide cash rewards to metaverse companies upon their listing on China’s primary stock exchanges, aiming to incentivize growth and market participation.

The comprehensive plan encompasses crucial technologies in the metaverse industry, such as blockchain, next-gen computer rendering, human-computer interfaces, and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, it strives to establish a digital asset market leveraging non-fungible token (NFT) technology.

Broader metaverse strategy

Zhengzhou joins a growing list of Chinese cities and provinces that aspire to become leaders in the country’s metaverse development. The metropolis of Shanghai, located in the southeastern region, is actively pursuing its own metaverse aspirations. It predicts that its metaverse industry will achieve annual revenues of 350 billion yuan ($49.6 billion) by the year 2025.

Elsewhere in China, there has been plenty of activity relative to Metaverse development. Zhengzhou belongs within Henan Province, and at a provincial level, administrators established a metaverse fund earlier this month. Around the same time-frame, Alibaba Cloud, the cloud division of the Chinese e-commerce giant, partnered with layer one blockchain project Avalanche with a view towards creating a metaverse launchpad.

As the metaverse continues to evolve and gain prominence worldwide, it will be intriguing to observe the progress and impact of the policies implemented by Chinese cities like Zhengzhou. The concerted efforts to foster metaverse development reflect a broader global trend of recognizing the significance of virtual environments and their potential to reshape various aspects of society.

