Paymaz Marks The Coming of a New Age of Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms

3 min readJul 17, 2018


There has been much talk about the way cryptocurrencies are changing the way we look at money. We have been made to believe that cryptocurrencies will change the status quo of how financial transactions occur around the world. We have all seen the radiant pictures of how the crypto market will grow and how their value is likely to increase in the coming years. Often it is also emphasized that the usability of cryptocurrencies is going to improve. However, the question of how that improvement is going to come about is often glossed over. Aren’t we all still waiting for a comprehensive platform that eases all kinds of crypto transactions?

Major Problems in Current Crypto Trading

If you are into trading and investing in cryptocurrencies, then you must be aware of the issues of the trading platforms. You are probably weary of the complicated and time-consuming registration processes or must have been the victim of the high charges of brokerage which you have to pay over the platform to convert or sell your crypto assets. This makes the whole business of crypto trading, which should be ideally the most accessible and the most convenient form of transaction in the financial world, owing to its roots in the philosophy of deregulation and decentralization, painfully cumbersome.

Paymaz — The New, Comprehensive Crypto Trading Platform

Paymaz is a new platform powered by the blockchain technology which can offer specific solutions to the problems of crypto trading as they exist today making it more usable and accessible to people. The key features of the Paymaz platform, which sets it apart, are the following.

· A comprehensive platform which deals with five aspects of the crypto lifecycle.

· Offers the most straightforward way of registration, i.e., the platform allows users to register with a single procedure for all its different services, while keeping abreast with the latest compliances provided by the regulators to avoid illegal activities on the platform.

· One of the fastest and cheapest crypto exchange systems, powered by its Coinnup Swift Swap (CSS) protocol.

· Its extensive POS network allows for great convenience and liquidity of your assets.

· It’s connection with several banks to give you the cheapest handling costs while exchanging your crypto for fiat.

· Finally, a single umbrella ecosystem that includes all of these different platforms which will allow the users to access these services seamlessly and effortlessly.

The Paymaz services will be available through multi-lingual platforms like Chinese, Japanese, Russian and English for the ease of the diverse sets of users. Moreover, the users can access the services not only from the web-based platform but also from the mobile app available on Android and IOS.

However, the most unique feature of the Paymaz system is its accessibility from the REST Application Program Interface. This is a futuristic step to accommodate the massive number of users that the system is expected to gain and which are expected to go on increasing exponentially. The best part of using the REST API technology is its ability to modify according to scale and server load preventing failures of the server. These will expectedly keep the Paymaz system consistently high-tech and stable in the future.

Learn more about what Coinnup’s Paymaz here —

For more details, you can also download the whitepaper

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