Coinspace — Your Homepage for Blockchain

6 min readJun 13, 2019


Hi World! Welcome.

We started to build Coinspace with a very simple goal — create a platform where information misalignment within our entire industry would be minimized and where we could provide trustworthy, transparent, easily exchangeable and verified data.

We quickly realized that creating a robust and flourishing platform which would have a shot to serve as a gateway for every blockchain user would not be easy and would take time to get right. Therefore, we have spent the last 9 months relentlessly building Coinspace, consistently re-evaluating our path, competitors, and product market fit, and then developing again. Many people say that during bear markets is the best time to create something great, something bigger than yourself. So we did — we built Coinspace.

The current goal of Coinspace remains ambitious to say at least — we want it to become the Homepage for Blockchain. We believe that every participant in the blockchain space should have the opportunity to freely Explore, Learn and Participate in a level playing field without the fear of fake information or faulty data.

In 2017 and 2018 we saw an influx of different platforms which are even today still trying to pave their way to become your go-to website to track data, manage crypto portfolios, access trusted information, and more. The flood of both information and tools to track the ecosystem in totality became so pervasive, that even for industry veterans it is difficult to manage everything. Some of these projects failed, some of them partially succeeded, but we are yet to find someone building a platform of the same magnitude as Coinspace.

We believe that mass adoption for the blockchain industry will arrive not only as soon as the technology reaches its finest form, but also only if platforms, serving as gateways to the ecosystem, become sophisticated enough to onboard, educate, and retain the next generation of users.

Coinspace is designed to become your Homepage for Blockchain by focusing on three fundamental pillars that are necessary for any new entrant, expert, business, and beyond to succeed — that is our mission. Coinspace will enable its users to not only explore, track, and understand blockchain technology, but also access core tools that are usually reserved for the “pros”, allowing all ecosystem participants to actively and safely navigate the decentralized economy.


We never admired easy tasks or low hanging fruits. At Coinspace we want to provide the ultimate seamless user experience. Whether you are exploring, tracking, or evaluating different industry participants, how you explore is just as important as what you explore and doing so allows people to find new ideas to believe in, new technology to research, and teams to fall in love with.

Desire to explore and to seek the unknown is a core tenant of human nature; we live for that, we thrive because of that, therefore our team has spent countless sleepless nights to build the most robust and independent market data aggregator, sometimes referred to internally as The Universe. Coinspace users will be able to access an endless amount of information and first-hand data about every single cryptocurrency, including in-depth data regarding the team, technological development, achievements, token distributions, events, community metrics, activity, and raw exchange data, together with many more data points. And Yes — We have web sockets, as well as an API that will be accessible for developers, businesses, and all other power users.

Our first-hand market data and thousands of unique data points powered by Coinspace API


It is hard to anticipate mass adoption when the learning curve to understand the blockchain ecosystem is becoming steeper every day and information disparity is at its peak, fragmented across multiple platforms and data sources. We believe that our industry needs to choose a different path and become sophisticated, easy to understand, and simple to interact with. Our goal is to equip every newcomer and a seasoned user with an extensive curriculum of every different blockchain discipline.

Education grants an understanding of the world around us and offers an opportunity to use accumulated knowledge wisely when it comes to technology — it’s a recipe for success. As Malcom X once said “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”, and we believe that blockchain is the future, the 4th industrial revolution, and therefore we are dedicated to providing the latest news, industry landscape developments, academic research, technological breakthroughs, and anything else that will help Coinspace users to grow together alongside this magical ecosystem.

Equip yourself with the necessary knowledge to successfully participate and navigate the new digital frontier


Building Coinspace has never been an easy task, and this industry makes any building of new platforms even more challenging. At times it feels like we are married to the ecosystem; an ecosystem that never sleeps and is probably the most intense space the world has ever seen. Many people say this ecosystem sucks you down the deepest rabbit hole there is, and you know what? Those people are 100% right. Our team is obsessed about every single new tool that comes out off tech pioneers shelves, about every new dApp, decentralized finance solution (DeFi), every new game or any other product which propels and fosters decentralization and open innovation.

As you may already know from this Medium post — we thrive to create a seamless experience for the users of our platform and think that you should be able to use the technology right away after all that time exploring, studying and tracking various projects. That is why Coinspace’s third pillar will invite you to participate in hundreds of different Blockchain applications and products.

We want to connect the old world with the new, by building the next digital economy in a borderless, frictionless environment allowing users to utilize different blockchain protocols, the entire application layer, and its features with 1 click of a button. Well, maybe 2 clicks, let’s be honest here :)


We hope it is now easier to understand what Coinspace platform tries to solve, what virtues we carry and how we see this ecosystem evolving in the next couple of years. Throughout the journey in this digital revolution, we want to be your gateway to it, the de facto platform for every type of user or blockchain enthusiast — developer, investor, newcomer, business, academia, we want to bring everyone onboard. Our ambition is bold, we know:) If someone asks you what our platform is all about, the mantra goes like this — Coinspace is the Homepage for Blockchain, where anyone can easily and freely Explore, Learn & Participate in the industry! We are excited to build with you, for you, as a part of the Coinspace family.

Next Steps

Bravo! If you are still reading this we want to thank you for your patience, you are amazing!

After long months of silence, we are getting ready to launch Coinspace, finally! However, we still have some small iterations to make, mostly design, user interface related which we hope to polish in the next couple of weeks and then move to Private Beta. That’s why we need your help! We want to invite everyone to participate in our Beta testing phase, which will take place on the 4th week of June. During this Beta, you can be sure that we‘ll reward you with some Coinspace swag as well for your help! Just subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll update you as soon as possible.

Join us!

In the meantime — we are always hiring! If you love the space, are excited about blockchain, want to learn more, or deploy your skills under our hood — please contact us! Engineering, product, marketing positions are always welcomed!




Gateway to navigate & explore blockchain ecosystem. Still in stealth mode.