DSBC: Next generation of Entrepreneurship!

Why corporate networks as McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks, Subway, 7/11 and others can work dozens of years? And why do most of the entrepreneurs lose in a few years? It’s all about Standards, Planning, Cooperation, Experience, and Efficiency.

DSBC (Decentralized Small Business Corporation) this is the Cooperative Franchising Network, new market on the principles of decentralization operating as one large international corporation. In which we will work as a well-coordinated team, we will increase efficiency, and this will provide resilience to crises and be able to compete with monopolies and corporations. The cooperation of efficient small businesses, reducing all risks to a minimum. A working model that resembles a franchise, but without a dictator who sets the rules. Your own business that grows in cooperation of like-minded people.

One of the main problems of entrepreneurs is NLP brainwashing from the fakefluencers and infoclowns about financial independence and successful success with creating a hypertrophied belief in the individualism of an entrepreneur. They create faith in the fact that startup will grow into another company with a capitalization of billions, forgetting about standards.

In DSBC we will join Real Experts with a background in a specific area, they know how to do and have already done working and efficient processes in businesses. The best experts (advisors, mentors) will show which model actually works, using specific examples, which technologies and standards have been used. Evaluation of business plans by the professional community and experts, fair monetization of experience.

Entrepreneur vs all market.
Everyone knows the famous phrase divide and conquer. But right and always a working strategy to retain power is only one β€” divide and make oppositions. While the parties are engaged in hatred and fighting, those who benefit from it realize their schemes. This applies to the situation in small businesses. When many entrepreneurs and startups are trying to fight for their place on the market alone, at this very time corporations and networks are working together and efficiently, reducing costs, using the best personnel, marketing, developers and others.

In HumanHive we will disassemble successful cases into molecules and use proven business models, this will help us grow common brands. We will develop corporate standards and working models which you can see in corporations and franchising networks. Cooperative work to improve the quality of products and services and reduce costs. DSBC is constant growth of network and partner companies and effective interaction.

Extortion by police, corrupt officials and raider seizures of business.

In DSBC we will create a fully public network, the international community and lawyers will defend the interests and rights of employees and co-owners of the business.

Reducing the costs:

+ Reducing the cost of legal and consulting services, attracting the best experts.
+ Development of CRM and other software products for enterprises of the franchise network.
+ Using the top designers and developers to distribute the costs between enterprises.
+ Collective purchase of quality equipment and products at wholesale prices.
+ marketing costs, brand building, collective promotion worldwide.

HumanHive β€” Business/Brands like a Software.

This is versification of business, upgradable business. It looks like GIT Hub where thousands of coders working on the next version of the application. Same here, in cooperation we will grow up to the next versions of each brand, will reveal the weaknesses of the business and solving these problems. HumanHive is also Business Model’s Repository, version-control system for tracking upgrades, standards, plans. Yes, this is the HumanHive, community intelligence, the power of cooperation like-minded humans!

In Blockchain we trust.
Full-scale implementation of blockchain technologies in the real sector, accounting and data irrevocability.

Smart Tokens is the Proof of Existence (PoEX)! HashCode.
We have 3 kinds of Smart tokens β€” Cooperative Shares, Product Token and Inner Currency:
1. Company Shares β€”
Shares of each business, emission by the cooperation of people which invested in this company. Distribution of profits and salaries automatically by smart contracts.
2. Product token
emission by the producer, backed by ready to use a product with unique ID (HashCode) of each product, in this case we can create a full cycle of blockchain adoption in the real sector, full supply chain and quality control.
3. Inner Currency (Goldcoin) with Proof of Existence is KYC’ed smart tokens, emission by the cooperation of people in whose name a gold bullion is bought with a unique ID (HashCode). Stable inner currency backed by gold will provide resilience to crises, as we all know, in a crisis, gold becomes more expensive, also it’s ease of international payments. Free and independance transfer without the use of additional tokens and transaction fees.

Shares Market not crowd funding or VC, but cooperative funding.
P2P Exchange for selling Company Shares for inner currency, but share’s buyers must understand planning monthly income, and earnings for past periods. And there will be a minimum time to own shares, it will also protect the market from speculation.

Company Shares will not for traders, but for investors, employees, experts and community who will receive income from the profits of working companies. Real value investors help to create jobs and thus earn together with people who can realize themselves, instead of losing money in the venture model, whose projects fall apart 90% of cases. DSBC for smart investors with minimum risk of losing money. The impossibility of money laundering and gray schemes, full transparency of business on the blockchain principles.

The Cooperative Franchising Network for real people who work, who create products and services, real heroes creates the core of a stable economy, creating millions of jobs around the world. Strengthening the economy in all countries, as a successful and efficient small business is the foundation for a healthy economy.

☝️for like-minded Investors β€” welcome to pm or Telegram @airat108
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/airat108

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𝗗𝗦𝗕𝗖 Cooperative Franchising Network

π——π—˜π—–π—˜π—‘π—§π—₯π π—Ÿβ­π—•π π—‘π—ž Blockchain, Gold, Standards ⭐ 𝗗𝗦𝗕𝗖 Cooperative Franchising Network ⭐️𝗛𝗨𝗠𝝠𝗑 π—›π—œπ—©π—˜