Hello, I’m Cirrus, and this is my art blog

4 min readAug 10, 2023


my first post on Medium

Hello 大家好, I am coldcirrusclouds, otherwise known as Cirrus. I am starting my art blog here to motivate and keep track of my art self-study plan. (A.S.S)

I am an aspiring artist trying to put myself more out there and get better at drawing so I can break into the industry and create works that I can be proud of.

Through this Medium, I will be posting weekly updates about my A.S.S. and my art thoughts. This will keep me accountable and motivated to post more.

I hope that you, reader, can choose to be kind to me as I put my stuff out into the internet for you to peruse and judge.

Thank you.

Planning portfolio & Personal Branding

Resources used:

Software used:

  • illustrator
  • photoshop
  • krita

Here is my creation process of my logo and planning out my A.S.S.

If you would like to know more about my curriculum, I will be making another post soon this week.

Using Illustrator to create branding and schedule

Planned out the timetable from last week

coldcirrusclouds’s avatar: a dragon beast made of clouds. It is genderless, fluid and foreboding. I chose this shade of blue because it resonates with me. I chose Dogica as the brand font.

It is important for me to have a logo and branding as it lends a sense of 仪式感formality and structure to build my works around.

Adobe illustrator workspace and logo creation process
Artstation profile

Planning Portfolio out

On FZD’s website; going to use these as reference for assignment submissions
World Building WIP notes

I wrote a google doc full of story idea for the portfolio, then I gather some images references online.

this one made me laugh. They say that the uniform is ugly yet I’m actively seeking it out to use as art reference.

25–35 portfolio pieces = 3 projects

Each project= at least 5 pieces

2 characters, 2 environments, 1 vehicle ++

This is planning. I will not start drawing full concept art until I finish the fundamentals in Term1 and Term 2.

Term3 and 4 will be dedicated to these guys.

Scifi Project= shiny materials, invent architecture, ships and clothing. Lots of uncertainty here. MECHS

= study different mechanical joints, materials (metallic, plastic, glass) , different character forms(aliens, ethnicity etc), vehicles, guns and FPS type

Inspo: Mass Effect Environment

Medieval Project= special effects, magic, elements, can reference directly from existing historical sources. Lots of existing material to build off off. MAGICAL STUFF

= character(with magic, mutated, affiliated to organisations), materials(fire, gold, wood), props(wands, staffs, knives), animals/creatures

Asassin’s creed syndicate

Jungle Project= aging, DIY inventiveness, mutated animals. Lots of room for organic designs. NATURE

= real world study, environment plants focus, overgrown buildings, realistic guns,mutated animals, military

Image from the last of us


Assignment submission format for E1
Submission format for a part of the HA1 module

Started some of the formatting sheets. Student deal with Adobe Suite recently ended so transitioning into Krita. Excited to start soon.

Stay tuned for updates.

Cheers, Cirrus




Hey. I'm Cirrus, I'm an aspiring artist. I blog about my art journey and my life. Stay sexy, people.