When whites commit racist crimes against blacks, racist white Freemason Judges who oversee the administration of English Law criminally bury RACIAL HATRED. GDC: Richard Hill fabricated reports. A RACIST CROOK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlpH4hG7m1A. NIGERIA: SHELL’S DOCILE CASH COW. GDC: Richard Hill fabricated reports and unrelentingly lied under oath. GDC: Kevin Atkinson (NHS) unrelentingly lied under oath. GDC: Jonathan Martin unrelentingly lied on record. GDC: Helen Falcon (MBE) unrelentingly lied on record. GDC: George Rothnie (NHS) unrelentingly lied on record. GDC: Stephanie Twidale (NHS) unrelentingly lied under oath. GDC: Sue Gregory (OBE) unrelentingly lied on record. GDC: Rachael Bishop (NHS) unrelentingly lied under oath. GDC: Geraint Evans (NHS) unrelentingly lied on record. Their people (closeted white supremacist Freemason) are everywhere and they control almost everything in Great Britain. Ignorant fools; dishonest racist crooks. Racist descendants of ultra-righteous WHITE THIEVES — Habakkuk. WHITE PRIVILEGE: They were all white, including the Judges, and they were all RACISTS, and incompetent liars — Habakkuk. APARTHEID BY STEALTH: Homogeneity in the administration of English Law is the secure mask of merciless racist evil. WHITE PRIVILEGE: Scatter-head racist bastards want our people (AFRICANS) to defend themselves against white criminals (Negrophobic perjury and persecutory Negrophobia) with sticks in their hands — before closeted white supremacist Judges; a very, very, unbalanced arrangement. ‘Why, Sir; to be sure when you wish a man to have that belief which you think is of infinite advantage, you wish well to him; but your primary consideration is your own quiet. If a madman were to come into this room with a stick in his hand, no doubt we should pity the state of his mind; but our primary consideration would be to take care of ourselves. We should knock him down first, and pity him afterwards.” Dr Samuel Johnson. The weapon of the direct descendants of the father of lies is the mother of racist lies, and their power is the certainty that all Judges will be white, and their hope is that white Judges will be closeted white supremacist bastards too. “Those who have the power to do wrong with impunity seldom wait long for the will.” Dr Samuel Johnson. OYINBO OLE: RIGHTEOUS DESCENDANTS OF ULTRA-RIGHTEOUS WHITE THIEVES. GOOGLE:HABAKKUK. A bastardised, indiscreetly dishonest, unashamedly mediocre, vindictive, potently weaponised, and institutionally RACIST legal system that is overseen by the FREEMASONS — Habakkuk. “To deny or belittle this good is, in this dangerous century when the resources and pretensions of power continue to enlarge, a desperate error of intellectual abstraction. More than this, it is a self-fulfilling error, which encourages us to give up the struggle against bad laws and class bound procedures and to disarm ourselves before power. It is to throw away a whole inheritance of struggle about the law and within the forms of law, whose continuity can never be fractured without bringing men and women into immediate danger.” — E. P. Thompson

Maria Cole
3 min readAug 31, 2022


