What I Learned in Making My HTML Page

2 min readJun 9, 2017


My first page was a tribute page to one of my favorite entertainers, Jim Carrey.

I learned HTML, while it’s a lot of work, is worth it. Looking for help and figuring things out on your own is really fun. To any experienced coders, yeah I get it, HTML probably isn’t difficult for you, but this was my first try at a full page. I really dig the creativity and freedom of it, I’m excited to move on to my next project.

I learned that there’s no end to the learning. I was using Bootstrap in my page, and in the middle I switched over to a new version without knowing, which has slightly different wording for commands and elements. While it wasn’t a huge switch, it was enough for me to screw up a section and spend 15 minutes trying to find where I went wrong. I had to go over to the Bootstrap site and learn about the new changes.

I also got stuck many many times, and thankfully Google was there every time to save me. This project was assigned by freecodecamp.com , so luckily they provided multiple resources to seek assistance from fellow coders as well. This site really does a lot for anyone who wants to learn how to code, they provide an extensive curriculum and resources for beginners.

I definitely see myself going back to this page later when I get better and more fluent to fix and make the code look better. I will also come back make the page look better. That’s what I love about this, it’s always changing and always moving. Can’t wait to become a pro developer and create world peace in an app.

Anyway here’s my first page on code pen! I would love any feedback or tips for my next page!





CA—>HTX—>GA Made my way across the country in the last 5 years. What’s your pocket? I make coffee and write words at ASU