The Rise of Board Games: Why Traditional Gaming is Making a Comeback

Coleman Samuel
3 min readDec 11, 2023


In this digital age, it seems that everything is going virtual. From social interactions to entertainment, more and more aspects of our lives are being conducted online. However, amidst all the technological advancements, there is a surprising trend emerging: the rise of board games. Traditional gaming is making a comeback, and it’s not hard to see why.

Board games have been around for centuries, providing entertainment and bringing people together. They have always been a staple in many households, offering a break from screens and a chance to engage with others in a more tangible way. But why are they gaining popularity again?

One reason for the resurgence of board games is the desire for more social interaction. In a world where people are often glued to their phones or computers, there is a growing appreciation for face-to-face interactions. Board games provide an opportunity to gather around a table with friends or family and engage in friendly competition. They allow us to connect, laugh, and bond in a way that virtual gaming simply cannot replicate.

Another reason for the renewed interest in board games is their ability to stimulate creativity. Unlike video games, which often have predetermined outcomes and limited options for customization, board games offer a space for imagination and innovation. They provide a framework within which players can use their creativity to develop strategies, solve problems, and make decisions. For example, games like Settlers of Catan or Risk require players to think critically, analyze different scenarios, and come up with unique solutions. This creative thinking can be beneficial not only during gameplay but also in other aspects of life.

Research has shown that board games can enhance problem-solving skills and promote cognitive development in children and adults alike. These games often require players to think critically, strategize, and adapt to changing situations. By engaging in such activities, players can improve their ability to analyze problems, identify patterns, and find effective solutions. According to a study published in Medium, engaging in board games helps in developing problem-solving skills and improving creativity.

Moreover, board games can also foster spatial skills and construction abilities. Games like Jenga or Carcassonne require players to think in three dimensions and understand how different objects fit together. These activities can enhance spatial awareness and strengthen visual-spatial skills. According to another article on Medium, building blocks offer a similar benefit, as they allow children to experiment with shapes, sizes, and proportions, helping them develop their spatial skills and unleash their creativity.

The educational benefits of board games are not limited to problem-solving and spatial skills. Many games also encourage learning in various subjects, including history, geography, mathematics, and language. For instance, trivia games like Trivial Pursuit or educational games like Scrabble can help players expand their knowledge while having fun. Additionally, some board games incorporate elements of storytelling and role-playing, allowing players to immerse themselves in different narratives and develop their communication and language skills.

Crafting is another traditional activity that has seen a resurgence in recent years. Just as board games provide a break from screens and foster creativity, crafting offers a hands-on experience that encourages children to use their imagination and develop their artistic skills. From painting and drawing to sewing and knitting, there are endless possibilities for children to express themselves and create something unique. Crafting also provides an opportunity for children to learn patience, perseverance, and problem-solving, as they navigate through different projects and overcome obstacles. According to an article on Medium, crafting with kids can be both fun and educational, allowing them to explore their creativity and develop essential life skills.

In a world where technology is becoming increasingly prevalent, it is refreshing to see traditional gaming making a comeback. Board games provide a much-needed break from screens, offering an opportunity for social interaction, creative thinking, and skill development. They remind us of the joy of face-to-face connections and the benefits of engaging with others in a tangible way. So, next time you have a free evening or a gathering with friends, consider dusting off those old board games and rediscovering the joy and excitement of traditional gaming. You might be surprised at just how much fun and meaningful it can be.


