Consolidated Star Trek Voyager watch list — updated 4 August 2019

Colin McKellar
2 min readNov 26, 2016


Star Trek can be a fun watch, but unfortunately while there are many good episodes, each series has emanently spippable episoes.

My wife and I recently finished watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine. We relied on two lists of which episodes are worthwhile. They are:

Max Temkin’s Deep Space Nine in 82.5 hours; and

Social-Iconoclast’s Deep Space Nine — Essential Episodes.

Generally, we watched episodes that appeared on either list.

After finishing DS9, we started watching Voyager, and I looked for similar lists. I found 4 lists of episodes:

Trek BBS — The Essential Voyager Episodes

List of Non-Filler Voyager Episodes

Skippable — Star Trek Voyager

Liz tells Frank — Star Trek: Voyager the Skip it / Watch it Guide

As there is not a lot of consensus between the lists, I combined the lists together, to show how popular particular episodes were.

Update (18 July 2019): Since making the consolidated list, Jean MacDonald made another Voyager list. Since I regularly listen to her podcasts, I felt compelled to update this table. I have added a bit more commentary below the table.

Update (4 August 2019): On request I have incorporated the OpticalData guide.

Star Trek Voyager list of watchable episodes

Just 32 episodes appeared on all four lists. Only 26 episodes do not appear on any of the lists.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader / viewer to choose what cut-off you want to use to determine an episode is worth watching. For what its worth, we are watching the episodes that appear on at least 2 lists.

Update (18 July 2019): As would be expected, Jean’s watch-list is different again from the original 4. She recommends 3 episodes that none of the others do, and does not recommend 3 episodes every other watch list does.

