Colin Raunig’s Jack Ryan: Season One

Colin Raunig
2 min readSep 4, 2018


An unassuming CIA analyst is never thrust into a dangerous field assignment and instead performs competent work in Virginia writing reports.


Synopsis: Jack has a second date with a woman he met on Tinder.

Plot: At the work gym, Jack’s stationary bike foot strap breaks, so he switches stationary bikes. In the cafeteria at lunch, Jack gets the tacos. After work, Jack picks up an Amazon package at the front desk of his Arlington apartment complex. Inside is a Brooks Brothers button up shirt he ordered online for 50% off. Jack wears it that evening to meet the woman, who is either a lawyer or an analyst. Because it’s the second date they meet for dinner instead of just drinks. It’s a taco place. Jack ate tacos for lunch! They laugh about this. They each discuss how many siblings they have.

Episode 4:

Plot: Jack needs to post a volunteering selfie to impress Stephanie, who he is Facebook friends with and met at a Georgetown alumni event.

Synopsis: Jack gets stuck in GW Parkway construction, and arrives on time to volunteering with moments to spare. Jack helps Jeremy read for a while, then he pulls out his phone and takes a picture with him. Jack’s phone is at 5%. The picture is taking a while to upload. Jack’s phone is at 3%. The picture uploads. Jack’s phone dies. He races home to charge it. Stephanie has liked his photo. Jack goes to sleep peacefully.

Penultimate Episode:

Synopsis: Jack makes contact with a man whose has access to the White House bowling alley and who has invited Jack to come along.

Plot: Stephanie has been too busy to hang out recently and Jack knows he needs to up the ante. After work, he gets stuck driving over the river into the city and doesn’t even have any podcasts to listen to. He finally makes it to the White House. He goes bowling with the man and finds a moment of opportunity to get a clandestine selfie and posts it online. Afterwards, they have dinner in the city at a fast-casual Mediterranean restaurant. The man suspects nothing. Jack checks his Facebook and sees that Stephanie has just become interested in the same event that he is.

Season Finale:

Synopsis: Jack suspects that Stephanie is going to a rooftop wine tasting jazz fundraiser.

Plot: Jack’s badge at work doesn’t work when he swipes it, and he notices the security guard’s eyebrows raise. He swipes his badge again and it works. He goes to a meeting lamenting the intelligence failure before invading Iraq, then goes to a meeting requesting for a report on justification to invade another country. Jack works on the report. That evening, he goes to the rooftop function, and talks over the jazz music with other people as they all discuss their jobs as lawyers and analysts. Jack makes eye contact with Stephanie and he excuses himself.

“Nice shirt,” Stephanie says.

“It gets the job done,” Jack says, smirking.

They make weekend plans to meet for brunch.

