Decorative Fountains for home interior. 15 best ideas

Colin Stevenson
5 min readMar 17, 2017


You can watch the water flow for a long time — says the ancient proverb. This element has a beneficial effect on family relationships, soothes, gives a bright feelings to the soul. The most optimal option — charming decorative fountains, which are easy to install in any apartment.

The principle of operation is simple — the water cycle is provided by special electric pumps. But technical subtleties go to the background when you see a tiny stream that falls from the stone ledges or flows from the ruins of a medieval castle. Designers attach special importance to the landscape environment, creating as realistic as possible, and completely abstract artistic compositions.

In addition to artificial waterfalls, classic indoor fountains and fountains are popular with a jet bouncing up. With the help of special devices, the effect of water patterns or clouds from the smallest droplets — the fog hanging in the air — is achieved. If the device is equipped with lamps for internal illumination, the streams of water can be poured with all the colors of the rainbow, creating a special fabulous atmosphere. It is believed that lovers of calm contemplation are contraindicated waterfalls with music and bright special effects. It is much more useful to add to the bowl of water a little rock crystal or ordinary river stones.

Current water will clean the house of any negative, but only if the source is positioned correctly. Ancient Chinese advised to avoid such decorations in the bedroom, but in the living room it is perfect place for it. A room decorative fountain set in the eastern corner will provide love and harmony, and in the north it will help to achieve career growth and well-being.

Humidity in a residential building should be maintained within fifty to sixty percent. During the heating season, this requirement is rarely met, and as a result, residents are more often concerned about a runny nose and cough. To cope with this disaster will perfectly help decorative fountains - they provide regular air humidification. This will benefit not only people, but also domestic plants that need abundant watering. As for the hot summer days, a cool waterfall or millions of tiny splashes, flickering in the air, can refresh no worse than an air conditioner. A small source of “living water” is not only an amazing highlight of the interior, but also a convenient solution that will help make life more comfortable.

Decorate your home with this adorable Wall Fountain. It has polished river stones.

The sound of falling water brings tranquility to any location. This charming fountain features a ladder of five alternating spouts to create a maze of cascading water. A bed of polished river stones add appealing look.

Add sophisticated look to your design with this Floor Fountain. It comes in black slate finish with hammered copper, features painted plastic reservoir and painted resin spot holder. This beautiful Floor Fountain includes polished river stones.

This elegant Floor Fountain is designed as a wall / floor decorative element with stainless steel body, tempered colored mirror and painted steel roof. Polished river stones are included.

Amazing Floor Fountain in beautiful leaves design, may be excellent decoration for your house.

This magnificent piece combines the charm of the nature with soft illumination and flowing water, features wood flowers. Wood Flowers features an aged wood finish, creating atmosphere of calmness and peace.

Table Fountain design to create relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in the room and beautiful decoration.

This nice Floor Fountain maybe for indoor or outdoor decoration, created in interesting design, highlights uniqueness of your interior.

Blue accent light and water flow of this Floor Fountain, makes your interior very relaxing and positive.

Table Fountains are also excellent room decoration, very practical, convenient and carry same functionality as other fountains.

Your home is a place where you can relax from your routine, hard days at work or problems, it should be peaceful and has warm, positive atmosphere. Fountains helps to create this ambience and let you enjoy nice sound of flowing water, makes you calm and peaceful.



Colin Stevenson

Professional designer in house field, player of American football. Senior User Experience Consultant of Agency. Lives in New York and proud of it. Foll