Java Object Oriented Programming ( OOPS )

2 min readSep 2, 2020


Java Object Oriented Programming

Java is one of the most popular programming language.

Write once and run anywhere programming language

Object-oriented, platform independent and secure

Designed for distributed environment like Web or Internet.

About 2 billion Devices using Java in various applications.

üJava is used every where like Embedded devices, Mobile phones, Enterprise Servers, Super computers, Web Servers and Enterprise

OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. It uses a different set of programming languages than old procedural programming languages

Everything in OOP is grouped as self sustainable “objects. So that objects can be reused.

Object-oriented Programming is a small change syntax and semantics, added to the existing imperative features of the programming language.

Using OOP we can achieve re-usability by means of four main object-oriented programming concepts. Encapsulation or Information hiding or Data Hiding, Abstraction and inheritance Polymorphism

Benefits of Object Oriented Programming

OOP helps us organize code and split problems into smaller blocks.

OOP is the current dominant programming style.

OOP seems to be the best that we currently have in imperative programming.

With OOP we gain useful things like polymorphism, encapsulation and other big words/concepts.

Reusability reduces the code repetition.

Code written will be extensible and manageable.

Improves application speed and code efficiency.

Less time for developing complex applications.

Reduces the development cost

Short time to market.

Ramananda M.S Founder and Director ,

