4–8 October 2014

Collaboration Lab Camp
Collaboration Lab Camp
5 min readAug 17, 2014


Collaboration Lab Camp

Knowmads Business School Amsterdam

From October 4th until October 8th a special event will take place to celebrate sharing cities. It is a potential for all cities, politicians, policymakers, entrepreneurs and citizens alike to unite in taking on responsibility for a shared future. We invite everyone to share this experience. The event will be held in Amsterdam which is becoming Europe’s first sharing city.

Participation in the event will be free! So create your unique chance to gain new experience, work on new tools and to connect.

There will be two main spaces in the event. An ‘Idea Creation Space’ & a ‘Tool Creation Lab’.

In the ‘Idea Creation Space’, questions about collaborating and sharing will be developed into collaborative solutions. We will do this together with organizations, and public institutions that are ready to explore collaboration and sharing as tools for their future.

In a ‘Tool Creation Lab’, new work processes, apps, infographics or strategic tools will be developed spot on by our technical crew.

This is a unique collaboration of CollabCamp, OuiShare Labs, De Nieuwe Overheid, World Peace Now, Knowmads Business School, Make Sense, Freewheelers, Kendra Initiative, Federated Social Web, V2RF.

Event description


Collaboration is key in sharing cities. Amsterdam is becoming the first sharing city in Europe after Sharing Spring started as an initiative of Shareable Magazine. Aim is to create cities that are serving the people living in them. Creating liveable environments where people can share responsibility for each other, their direct environment and the communities they participate in.

Sharing cities are supporting a more collaborative economy where sharing is promoted. As well as the commons where sharing responsibility in a broader sense is key for creating an infrastructure for a sustainable and social future: global, local and glocal.

General aims

  • Creating an environment of sharing responsibility in cities between non-profits, governments, entrepreneurs and citizens by collaboration between different stakeholders.
  • Gaining momentum for collaboration, commons and sharing.
  • Gaining momentum for social entrepreneurship.
  • Bringing people together for networking
  • Bridging different environments.
  • Brainstorming together.
  • Finding solutions.
  • Promoting social innovations.
  • Solve challenges of social entrepreneurs by MakeSense HoldUp

We will create a well prepared ‘hackathon’ event that integrates visionaries and makers. And we will use prepared hackathon methodology, and several online tools to manage a web presence.

What will be achieved?

Social and collaborative entrepreneurs will be able to bring in their services and platforms for the creation of social and sustainable solutions. New collaboration tools will be developed. I.e. Method Kit like tools will be able to be shared by our participating stakeholders.

We will for example create infographics for new work processes. Offering another outlook and perspective on local partnerships, collaborative governance and social solutions.

Consciousness will be gained for collaboration as a new way of policymaking, entrepreneurship and citizen participation. With a focus on:

  • The emergence of new and the acceleration of existing projects.
  • The emergence of cooperation.
  • Learning about interesting projects and initiatives while solving their challenges.

After the event groups are able to continue to work on the progress achieved in the conference. There will be tools ready and available for the people of Amsterdam and other cities involved to use for a sharing economy.

Together we will create and make happen a collaborative event that brings together visionaries, politicians and policymakers, business people and makers/hackers/doers to spread the vision of collaboration and the benefits of the collaborative economy. We will enable business, government, and NGO’s to open a dialogue with the collaborative community.

The event will be a great way to discover a new mode of running an event in a much more collaborative way as well — blurring the line between participant and organiser.

Contact information

For information, questions and participation please contact:

Amanda Jansen, connector OuiShare Netherlands: 06–41465798 or amanda@ouishare.net

Or send an email to Collaboration Lab Camp: collabcampamsterdam@gmail.com

Open Call

Open Call for project-proposals

Are you an entrepreneur, company, government body, research institute or non-profit organization with urgent or current questions about things that effect sharing responsibility, collaborating and creating a better world and society? You are most welcome to ask your question or make a project proposal for our event. We will select different themes and combine questions together to work on.

Deliverables are important in your proposal. What should we develop with you? What needs do we need to respond to? Please try to define how we can help you best.

Open Call for participation

Do you want to help program, code, build apps or graphically design new material? Please get involved.

Open Call for Social Entrepreneurs

We would like to gather social entrepreneurs to present their social business and challenges they are facing, so we can help them solve it together with the innovative minds that are taking part in this event.


We are looking for parties to sponsor the event in different ways.

1. Become a supportive sponsor

Connect the name of your company or institute to this event as being supportive in promotion and living after the outcomes of the event to collaborate on a more sharing society.

2. Become a natural sponsor

Do you want to support by offering sleeping places for our guests or food?

Are you good at organizing our space for maximum working, deep networking and letting our community members taking maximum ownership of their desires by self organizing? Please contact us, we need your help. You are most welcome to get into contact with us. Can you offer some supportive activity like a massage, speed-coaching or relaxation exercises, you are most welcome at our event to come and support to make everyone feel comfortable.

Specific roles we need help with:

  • Volunteer Team Manager — Coordinating the efforts of volunteers before, during and after the event
  • Couch Matcher — Match up attendees of the event who need a place to stay with locals who can host them
  • Crowdfunding Manager — Setup and administer a system for attendees who need help with travel, accomodation and food to publish their biographies and projects to request sponsorship from other attendees.
  • General Volunteer — Help with setting up the venue and running the event.
  • Food Coordinator —Helping to arrange all our attendees into self-reliant groups who are empowered to bring and prepare their own food.
  • Meal maker — Be responsible for one meal for 6 people.

If you can help with any (or all!) of these, drop us a line to collabcampamsterdam@gmail.com

3. Become a financial sponsor

Of course also in this events costs are being made. For example the electricity bill of Knowmads Business School will be a bit higher while plugging in more laptops than usual. Also special arrangements are being made to provide enough wifi. Think of all hackers traveling towards Amsterdam and staying there. Think of the people providing food and beverages, child care and the people receiving the guests as well as promoting, connecting and enabling this event. Do you want to support this event financially? Please contact us.

Call to action

For information, questions and participation please contact:

Amanda Jansen, connector OuiShare Netherlands: 06–41465798 or amanda@ouishare.net

Or send an email to Collaboration Lab Camp: collabcampamsterdam@gmail.com

Follow us

You can follow us at Twitter or Facebook. Please if you Twitter about the event use #collabcamp14

