New Challenges = New opportunities. Your Final Runway!

Collabio ® Official
Collabio Spaces
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2020

Well, it’s time to finish our exciting path on learning how to apply changes. If you want to refresh one of the topics in your memory, follow the links below and repeat the theories once again:

  1. How to Effectively Implement Innovations on Your Way to High Results
  2. Top Case Studies of Grand Changes + How-to for the COVID-19 Time
  3. Leaving the Comfort Zone without a Reason? Here’s a Healthy Approach!
  4. Effective Goal Setting: Top Methods!
  5. How to Achieve Maximum Involvement in the Process of Every Employee
  6. Reducing Resistance in the Smooth Flow of Innovation
  7. Communication is Key for Reaching Goals: the Definitive How-to Guide

If you’re finished with all the points above, let’s proceed to the final runway…

The Change Management Checklist

Do you remember the three stages we outlined in our very first article? Let’s break them down to particular steps considering all hacks we suggested for each of them:

Preparatory stage

You develop a strategy and tactics for introducing innovations. The more information and options you collect on this stage, the more precise results you get. This stage includes:

  1. Understanding the reason for the change and who raised this change.
  2. Agreeing upon the implementation strategy and considering possible risks and outcomes. Analysing consequences of implementing and rejecting the change.
  3. Seeing if you dispose of sufficient resources to fulfill the strategy.
  4. Agreeing on general timeframes and deadlines.
  5. Drawing up detailed plans for implementing innovations.
  6. Assigning tasks from the plan to teams. Deciding who is responsible for each step.

Managing stage

You integrate your plans for adjustments into the entire project plan. This is the time when you see how well your strategy works in practice. So, make changes and measure their results in figures. This stage includes:

  1. The active implementation of innovation.
  2. Providing employees with the necessary training for successfully applying the change.
  3. Guaranteeing clear and efficient communication.
  4. Ensuring the participation of all team members and decreasing their resistance.
  5. Resolving arising crises and conflicts. They are commonly connected to resistance and lack of information.
  6. Motivating employees, demonstrating the results and telling them how valuable their contribution is. Also, showing how much work is left works well too.
  7. Making the change part of everyday life. Keeping an eye on the progress and constantly keeping up with the environment that may require adjustments.

Reinforcing stage

You check the results and enhance them by working on mistakes. This stage includes:

  1. Continuing to implement changes once the innovation is introduced for the first time. Maintaining momentum and switching to supportive actions. Some employees and customers may need assistance in using your innovative decisions.
  2. Reviewing the change. Analysing the lessons learned and the mistakes done. Creating a plan based on what has been done wrong and needs improvement. You can conduct a retrospective involving all team leaders for them to convey the sense of corrections to team members.
  3. Monitoring and evaluating. Making corrections and measuring the results. On this stage, keep improving the company activity until the change is fully implemented.

Congratulations! You are now ready to introduce revolutionary decisions! Do you have an idea on what to start with? Do it!

Want to share your experience? Feel free to tell your story in the comments below the article! ;)



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Collabio Spaces

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