A low risk, great return Blockchain Investment

Dr. Drew Miller
3 min readJan 28, 2019


My blockchain consulting firm receives hundreds of emails on ICO and crypto asset investments based on hope that some new aspect of blockchain technology will yield a fortune. I was fortunate to do blockchain consulting work for a patented new supply chain and eCommerce company that already has market proven Internet technology, and is adding blockchain to improve security and generate more revenue. It’s not often you get to do an early stage investment in an Amazon or an Uber, but I was so impressed with this company I invested in SharedChain.

SharedChain offers an “Old New Way” to revolutionize supply chains and enable lowest cost same day order/delivery, using patented internet technology and blockchain, and abandoning “Just In Time” delivery in favor of a return to bulk shipment, local warehousing, and bundled store/home deliveries. The result is the ability to do same day order delivery at lower prices than Amazon and make local retailers cost competitive with Walmart.

They executed successful test sales and same day deliveries using their patented system in Los Angeles in 2018 and are now raising funds either via a SAFE (simple agreement for future equity) investment.

I am working with SharedChain to add blockchain technology to their system, and we will likely do an ICO later this year since we have so many advantages over the traditional ICO as the exhibit below explains.

Raj Dias, a former VP of CH Robinson and president of several U.S. and international logistics companies called SharedChain “a brilliant solution to supply chain problems plaguing both small retailers and small manufacturers. Their patented system and revolutionary new approach to supply chain and eCommerce will receive great market support.” With blockchain added, SharedChain will have an even better supply chain system with blockchain improving IT security and ability to prevent counterfeit goods, and smart contracts automating invoicing and cutting administrative costs, errors and delays.

You can access briefings and videos on the company at their website: www.sharedchain.io
To invest in SharedChain, go to their listing on CrowdFunder: https://www.crowdfunder.com/sharedchain/invest

Dr. Drew Miller, CMA, CFP, CM&AA, Certified Hyperledger Developer

Managing Director, Blockchain Business Consultants




Dr. Drew Miller

CEO, Fortitude Ranch recreational and survival community, retired Air Force Colonel