Sparta Coding Club India | Today I Learned

Eric Le Tai
2 min read4 days ago


Learning a new language, especially coding, takes time and effort. Putting it into daily practice can be even more challenging. Since starting my programming journey with Sparta Coding Club, I’ve been captivated by the idea of creating something beautiful online — like a website — and even revamping my portfolio from scratch!

Initially, I was confident in handling the basics of HTML and CSS. However, I was less prepared for the complexities of JavaScript. The myriad of variables and syntax rules can be overwhelming. Instead of trying to memorize everything, I opted to rely on muscle memory and focused on learning by doing, which I’ve found to be more effective as a programmer.

Today, I’ll admit that I’m still terrible with JavaScript.

However, I’m beginning to see progress. I’m starting to understand the rationale behind each line of code I write.

For instance, learning how to extract the “key” variable from an API was crucial for targeting specific data. The JSONVue Extension was indispensable in this process, helping me grasp the nuances of API integration.

To further support my learning journey, I’ve started adding detailed notes within my code. This practice helps me structure my thought process more clearly.

For example: I use comments as titles to identify different sections of code.

Reflecting on my journey, it’s clear that my path to mastering programming is just beginning. Through practice, failure, and persistent effort, growth is inevitable. Embrace a growth mindset and keep moving forward.

Remember: practice consistently, embrace failure, and continue learning.

#Sparta Coding Club India #coding #programming #Free Course #Web Development #Frontend #Backend #Full-stack

