How I think Apple can (and should) improve the iOS 16 Lock Screen Media Player

Hidde Collee
2 min readAug 12, 2022


iOS 16 has Apple redesigned the Media Player on the Lock Screen: More compact with thicker text and icons. It is also possible now to see the album art in full screen like you could do in iOS 10.

Full Screen album art on iOS 10 vs iOS 16

I think it's very good improvements, but I still have some comments. For example, the notifications overlap the album art (as you can see in the image above right), this looks very busy and I think it could be done differently. I also think the animations can be a little better, especially for the album art expanding/minimizing in and out of the Media Player component. This is what I came up with:

  • Album art actually expands/minimalise in and out of the Media Player component instead of random fading in and out.
  • Notifications do not overlap the album art. When you get notifications or scroll up to the Notification Center with older notifications, the album art actually minimalises in the Media Player. When you hide those notifications the album art expands full screen again.
  • New smooth animation for the AirPlay menu

Dit is geen fancy concept met allerlei nieuwe stijlen en componenten, maar ik denk wel dat deze kleine veranderingen de experiencer een stuk beter maken.

What do you think?

