Hi, I’m Colleen

A coach for parents of sensitive spirited kids and teens. Author. Mom and stepmom of 2 young men. I have a Masters of Nursing degree and practiced and taught nursing for 20 years before becoming a Mom, and have learned several more healing modalities since.

As a Mom, I've often felt exasperated with my child or teen when he wouldn’t cooperate, but I was determined to parent him differently than the authoritarian style I’d been raised with. I wanted to build the bond between us, not break it. I wanted him to feel confident to fully express who-he-is, not struggle with the people-pleasing tendencies I’d learned, or with low self esteem.

I write about my passions: how to connect with yourself and your kids, healing the past traumas that keep you reacting to your kids and stuck in old patterns, raising kids to be authentic and march to the beat of their own drum, education, health, healing and personal growth.

I believe that learning to connect with ourselves and our kids is life changing. It builds resilience and gives us the ability to have loving, mutually respectful relationships throughout our lifetime–friendships, spousal partner, parent-child, and employer/employee.

Connect with me on Facebook, IG, Youtube, or sign up to get my newsletter to your inbox monthly: https://colleenadrian.com/blog/

Email: colleen@colleenadrian.com

Website: https://www.colleenadrian.com

Medium member since November 2021
Connect with Colleen Adrian
Colleen Adrian

Colleen Adrian

Relational Somatic Therapist & Coach for parents of sensitive, spirited kids - build a strong connected relationship & secure attachment. www.colleenadrian.com