Planning to Plan in 2018

Planner Paralysis is a very real affliction

Colleen Valles
2 min readDec 10, 2017
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

I am a self-avowed planner geek. Thanks to the internet, I know I'm not alone. (Shout out to all my planner peeps!)

I usually use a Bullet Journal, but for some reason this year, I've been wracked with indecision. Should I use a Panda Planner? A Moleskine weekly planner? What should I do with my two half-used notebooks that are different sizes? I have a Chic Sparrow cover, and a Rickshaw cover; how do I use those with whatever system I choose?

I mean, it's not the end of the world, but as much as I've been trying to figure out what system to use next year, you would think the fate of humanity rested on my decision.

The problem is I want a calendar, a to-do list and a place to corral my blog and social media stuff, and all my notes from a variety of classes. All that stuff together in one bullet journal takes up a lot of space and can get a little chaotic.

I also want it to be something that I'll use and that will help my productivity both at work and at home, and keep me from feeling overwhelmed.

Ha. There's the rub. I may be asking a little too much of my planner. Not only do I need it to hold everything I dabble in, I need it to be the thing that keeps me from scrolling through Facebook and Instagram when I should be working; I need it to be the thing that motivates me to write when I'm tired and Just. Not. Feeling it.

So basically, I need a magic planner. Anyone know of a good one? Heh.

In the meantime, I think I'll stick with the Bullet Journal system, since it seems to be the most adaptable, and I'll just rely on trial and error to find what works for me.

But I'm open to suggestions that will save me lots of planner work. Do you have suggestions of systems that might work for a writer mama who's learning photography and likes to knit? They make a planner just for that, right?

What planning system do you use?

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Colleen Valles

Helping businesses tell their stories of sustainability & resilience. Freelance writer. Fiction, fountain pens, and fancy tea cups.