Overall Idea about Promotional Staffing Agencies

atlascollege marketing
3 min readNov 10, 2018


Simply explained, promotional staffs are brand representatives who are hired to promote a product, business, service, or company. They are generally hired by event management companies, shopping centers and companies choosing to promote themselves.

Below are the outlined attributes and key qualities promotional staffing companies should look for when hiring new staff for promotional events:

• Confidence

Confidence is the main trait one would need in promotional staff. You can tell if people are shy over the phone by how they converse. Before hiring, check out their social media profiles to get a glimpse of how they may portray themselves.

The attire, how they converse, their body language and how they keep the conversation engaging are some of the common traits that affect how to select a staff for any promotional event.

• Communicator

Take note of communication, how do they communicate? Try to follow if they keep the conversation flowing and engaging or do they make it closed and awkward? During interviews, promotional staffing companies generally make it the most comfortable and casual setting, as it helps to get to know the real them. Sometimes, it is even possible to find out about the person within the first 30 seconds on the phone if they will be a good fit for the team.

• Humble

It needs the eye of a specialist to understand if the person is shy or introvert or is humble. Companies love staffs that are able to spread their experience and wisdom to all positions and roles without being unnecessarily rude or overboard about it.

• Autonomous and Proactive

Get them thinking on the spot! Companies can put the employees on the spot in the interview, where they get them off guard, no matter how awkward it is while they take some moment to think for an answer. This gives an idea of whether they can improvise, are proactive or can think of things autonomously.

• Reliability

Promotional staffing companies generally take note of the time applicants get back to them for a phone interview and the time they arrive to an interview. This is the first impression of the applicant.

What trends should the event companies follow?

Keeping a finger on the pulse of the event staffing industry, here’s a list what the companies should do to keep up with the new age expectations:

• Update the website: clean, good-looking website without any redundant content leaves a good impression with the clients

• Create a Facebook page: Almost literally everyone is on Facebook and a page on the social media demonstrates your credibility. Asking you clients to leave a testimonial on the Facebook page is a great way to feature positive feedback.

• Create a Custom Talent Portal: Custom-branded talent portal is an engaging way to manage the working relationship. It creates a sense of branding and the applicants feel like being an integral part of the brand

• Transparency in communication: Every agency does things a little differently which makes them unique in their own way. Set clear expectations which will let the team understand about the goals and intentions of the company they are working for.

