Collie《蒼鷺與少年》 — 公ㄑㄧ雖然不是宮崎駿迷,但想必每個七、八年級童年都有吉卜力的蹤影,《蒼鷺與少年》充滿前作品的各種即視感,處處充滿驚喜,跟尋找Taylor Swift MV彩蛋一樣,地方觀眾很有參與感。Oct 29Oct 29
Collie《Beautiful World, Where Are You》-Sally RooneySally Rooney 至從2019年獲選《時代雜誌》「次世代」百大影響人物,就一直很紅,出於好奇在疫情後就在Goodreads上手滑,一鍵成功購買這本書停停看看到現在。直接下結論,我以各種輾轉之姿,大致讀完了,文青書還是他媽的難以下嚥。Oct 15Oct 15
CollieCompilation and Bundling: Webpack in Create React App (CRA) and Next.jsWebpack Contributions to Create React App and Next.jsOct 131Oct 131
CollieCLII’m about to break down what I learned today — basically the stuff I didn’t know before, not some long-winded explanation because…Oct 10Oct 10
CollieTraditions and Trends: The Complex Landscape of Women’s Autonomy Across Different CommunitiesWhat infuriates me about these beliefs and the suffering of women is my own experience of nearly overheating in winter outfits in London’s…Sep 211Sep 211
CollieRegex — regular expressionsI never took the time to learn regex; I felt there was no need since ChatGPT could help 100% with this. However, my advisor proved how…Sep 211Sep 211
CollieThe importance of over-communication and How-toPersonal Insights and learnings on Communication StrategiesSep 141Sep 141
CollieFrom Tesco to Tomorrow- London Memories to New Beginnings.Contemplating this writing task, I initially questioned its purpose. Yet, I persevere, driven by a desire to fulfill the writing challenge…Aug 15Aug 15