Tooth Extraction Surgery in Farmington CT

Collins Road Family Dental
3 min readOct 11, 2022

Tooth extraction is the removal of teeth from their socket within the bone. Your dentist will always try to save your teeth. However, there are times when your tooth needs to be removed.

In the early years of the human race, many illnesses were linked to tooth-related infections. Since there were no antibiotics available in those days, tooth extraction was the only method for treating the disease.

Various tools were employed to extract teeth multiple times. Guy de Chauliac developed the first in the 14th century. It was referred to as “the dental pelican. It was the primary tool utilized until the 18th century, when the dental pelican for extraction tools replaced the dental key. The dental key was replaced with modern forceps in the 20th century, and it is the most commonly used tool in the present time for tooth extraction. Dental extractions are diverse, and various instruments are used to allow different kinds of extractions.

Why tooth extraction is necessary

Usually, whenever there is a break in the tooth or tooth injury caused by tooth decay, the Best Dental Specialists in Farmington CT will attempt to repair the tooth using various methods like filling the tooth, putting in a crown, etc. But, there are instances where the damage to the tooth is so severe that it can’t be repaired, and, in these instances, he is forced to resort to taking the tooth out. This is the main reason for Tooth Extraction Surgery.

Best Dental Specialists in Farmington CT
Best Dental Specialists in Farmington CT

Furthermore, many illnesses and medications call for tooth extraction, which weakens the immune system, causing tooth infections. This includes cancer drugs and dental caries. They also cause gum disease, other teeth, broken teeth, organ transplants or treatments for orthodontics, radiation, and wisdom teeth.

Sorts of extract

There are two kinds of extractions for teeth — straightforward and surgical.

  • Simple extractions these are done for teeth visible inside the mouth. It is quickly done through general dentists. The dentist administers an injection of local anesthetic before taking the tooth out.

Surgical extractions are done on teeth that aren’t accessible easily, and this can happen when the teeth have been broken below the gum line or if there is a partial tooth eruption. In this case, the surgeon must cut and pull the gums back, thus giving access to the bone or a portion of the tooth. Tooth Extraction requires a skilled oral surgeon.

Pre-extraction aspects

Before you have to extract your teeth, your Dentist in Farmington CT will ask about your dental and medical background. He might also perform an X-ray examination of the area affected. Additionally, he may prescribe antibiotics if you suffer from a damaged tooth, a flawed immune system, or other medical issues.

Post-extraction aspects

  • Your dentist may recommend an OTC anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen for minor extractions.
  • For extractions that require surgical intervention, your dentist may prescribe pain medication for a couple of days, and then shift to NSAID.
  • When your tooth is removed, the dentist will ask you to take a gauze bite to help clot. It would be best if you did not disrupt the bleeding clot.
  • It is necessary to apply Ice packs to control the swelling that occurs after surgery. Make use of warm compresses whenever your jaw stiffens.
  • The majority of stitches will fall away within two or three weeks. Warm salt water rinses could dissolve the stitches. The stitches that remain are taken off from your tooth by your dentist.
  • Do not smoke or spit after the procedure, as this can eliminate the clot in the tooth’s hole, thereby increasing the rate of bleeding and leading to a dry socket.



Collins Road Family Dental

Collins Road Family Dental provides services for routine Dental Care, Cosmetic, Implants, Periodontal Maintenance, Root Canal Therapy, and etc.